1. optical device having a triangular shape and made of glass or quartz
used to deviate a beam or invert an image
Synonym: optical prism
2. a polyhedron with two congruent and parallel faces (the bases) and whose lateral faces are parallelograms
1. 棱镜
A prism is a block of clear glass or plastic which separates the light passing through it into different colours.
2. 曲解;扭曲
If you see something through a prism of something such as time or memory, your idea of it is affected by that thing.
e.g. Through the smoky prism of time, I could just barely make out my father as a young man.
1. 棱柱:常见的几何体 棱柱(prism) 本册书只讨论直棱柱,简称棱柱 返回 球体(sphere) 棱柱体 圆柱体 柱体(cylinder)锥 体(cone) 柱体 锥体 圆柱 棱柱 圆锥 棱锥圆柱 长方体 正方体 球体 圆锥 我们已经认识的立体图形有: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 南肖埠幼儿园 小组讨论: 你们能将这五个基本的立体图形按某些特征分类吗?
2. 三棱镜:三棱镜(Prism)是一个超轻量的开源框架,前身是Angel,现在改名为Prism,其目标是实现WEB系统的页面与代码分离,并且不需要书写大量的配置文件. 之所以起名称为三棱镜,是因为本框架会像三棱镜一样不但可以处理页面请求,
3. 角柱:若CAD外形太复杂,则可采用四面体/三角柱(prism)元素混用,以ANSYS ICEM CFD Prism在物体表面附近产生三角柱元素,形成表面附近的三角柱元素层(near-surface prism layers),以提高收敛性与精度.
4. prism:parallel reduced instruction set multiprocessor; 平行精简指令集多处理器
5. prism:program reliability information system for management; 管理程序可靠性信息系统
6. prism:portable, reusable, integrated software modules; 可移植、可重用的集成软件模块