英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [prɪˈveɪl]

美 [prɪˈvel]


名词: prevailer 过去式: prevailed 过去分词: prevailed 现在分词: prevailing 第三人称单数: prevails

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  • 占上风,占优势
  • 盛行,流行
  • 战胜,胜过,优胜,取胜,克敌制胜,获胜
  • 普遍,普及
  • 成功
  • 奏效,生效,有效
  • 传开
  • 有,是
  • 说服,劝说
  • 诱使,被接受
  • 压倒
  • 主导
  • vi. 盛行,流行 be generally seen, done, etc.
  • vi. 获胜,占优势 gain victory; occupy a dominant position
  • vi. 说服,劝说; 诱使 persuade (sb) (to do sth); lead or induce


1. use persuasion successfully

e.g. He prevailed upon her to visit his parents

2. prove superior

e.g. The champion prevailed, though it was a hard fight

Synonym: triumph

3. be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

e.g. Money reigns supreme here
Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood

Synonym: predominatedominaterulereign

4. continue to exist

e.g. These stories die hard
The legend of Elvis endures

Synonym: persistdie hardrunendure

5. be valid, applicable, or true

e.g. This theory still holds

Synonym: holdobtain

1. (提议、原则、观点)占上风,占优势,获胜,被接受
If a proposal, principle, or opinion prevails, it gains influence or is accepted, often after a struggle or argument.

e.g. We hope that common sense would prevail...
e.g. Rick still believes that justice will prevail...

2. (情形、态度、风俗)盛行,流行,普遍
If a situation, attitude, or custom prevails in a particular place at a particular time, it is normal or most common in that place at that time.

e.g. A similar situation prevails in America...
e.g. ...the confusion which had prevailed at the time of the revolution...

3. (在战斗、竞赛、争论中)获胜,取胜
If one side in a battle, contest, or dispute prevails, it wins.


e.g. He appears to have the votes he needs to prevail...
e.g. I do hope he will prevail over the rebels.

4. 劝服;说服
If you prevail upon someone to do something, you succeed in persuading them to do it.

e.g. We must, each of us, prevail upon our congressman to act...
e.g. Do you think she could be prevailed upon to do those things?

1. 盛行,流行,占优势:pretext 藉口 | prevail 盛行,流行,占优势 | prevalent 流行,盛行的

2. 显示:Portable可携带的 | Prevail显示 | Prompt迅速的

3. 战胜:aggressive:程度要比一般程度要深的 | prevail: 战胜 | negotiate 挤出一条路

  • 常用短语

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  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    〈正〉打败,战胜; 压倒 defeat; be successful in opposing
    prevail against sb/sth

    The knights prevailed against their enemies.


    We can't hope to prevail against such overwhelming odds.


  • This fashion still prevails.
  • Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished.
用作动词 (v.)
  • It..prevails against all cold Diseases of the Head, Brain, Nerves and Womb.

    出自:W. Salmon
  • In the end the moral law prevails over the law of the jungle.

    出自:A. G. Gardiner
  • On you go, jolly and optimistic that right will prevail.

    出自:D. Lessing
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • prevail的基本意思是“说服”,这种说服既有说理含义,又有感情因素,强调面临对方强烈反对或有充分论据的挑战。引申可表示“盛行”“流行”“获胜”。
  • prevail一般只用作不及物动词,常与 against 〔over〕连用表示“打败,战胜”“压倒”; 与on〔upon〕连用表示“说服”“劝告”。
  • prevail可用于进行体,但如果有still修饰则不能用于进行体。
  • ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的prvalere:pr (之前) + valere (实力,能力),意为有更大的权力。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He appears to have the votes he needs to prevail.(他看来有他胜出所需要的选票。)
If you sit back, shrug, and say you can't do anything, their interests will prevail over yours.(如果你袖手旁观,耸耸肩,说你无能为力,他们的利益就会压倒你的利益。)
Which method will ultimately prevail remains to be seen.(哪一种方法能最终成为流行趋势仍拭目以待。)
There will probably be months of legal confrontation, and it is not at all clear which side will prevail in court, nor in the battle for public opinion and legislative favor.(可能会有几个月的对薄公堂,人们根本不清楚哪一方会在法庭上获胜,也不清楚哪一方会赢得公众舆论和立法支持。)
Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups.(这些信念在某些社会群体中仍很盛行。)
Compassion can and must now prevail.(现在,同情怜悯能够也一定会获得胜利。)
How could any of them truly prevail in pulling you down?(他们怎么能真正战胜你击倒你呢?)
In case there is any divergence of interpretation of this agreement, the... text shall prevail.(对本协议在解释上若有分歧,应以…文本为准。)
Truth will prevail.(真理必胜。)
We hoped that common sense would prevail.(我们希望常识能占上风。)
prevail是什么意思 prevail在线翻译 prevail什么意思 prevail的意思 prevail的翻译 prevail的解释 prevail的发音 prevail的同义词