英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:40:34



英 [prəˈfeɪn]

美 [proˈfen, prə-]



形容词: profanatory 副词: profanely 名词: profaneness 过去式: profaned 过去分词: profaned 现在分词: profaning 第三人称单数: profanes

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1. 亵渎的;渎神的
Profane behaviour shows disrespect for a religion or religious things.

e.g. ...profane language.

2. 非宗教的;世俗的
Something that is profane is concerned with everyday life rather than religion and spiritual things.

e.g. Cardinal Daly has said that churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes.

3. 亵渎;不敬;玷污;渎神
If someone profanes a religious belief or institution, they treat it with disrespect.

e.g. They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the Church.

They called for demonstrations to express revulsion at the profanation of a Jewish cemetery.

1. profane

1. 世俗的:produce 产生,制造,引起 | profane 世俗的 | profess 伪称,声称

2. 亵渎的:profanatory 亵渎的 | profane 亵渎的 | profanely 渎神地

3. 亵渎宗教的:devotional 虔诚的 宗教的 圣洁的 | profane 亵渎宗教的 | worldly 世俗的 追逐名利的

  • 经典引文

  • Rewarded by seeing many won from their profane rites.

    出自:G. F. Maclear
  • The place where men had..died..should not be profaned by gaiety.

    出自:P. F. Boller
  • 近义词

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By feeding their dead to the birds of the air, the Parsees profane neither earth nor fire.(帕西人认为,将死去的人喂食给“天之神鸟”,他们就既不亵渎大地,也不亵渎圣火。)
Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God.(不可使你的儿女经火归与摩洛,也不可亵渎你神的名。)
And yet some conservatives have turned it into a profane text, one that proves Mr Obama's unfitness for the great office he holds.(但一些保守者把它当做亵渎神圣的话,证明了奥巴马不能胜任其肩负的巨大职责。)
The theory I bring forward is that he cannot do without the profane.(我提出的理论则是,人不能没有凡俗。)
They dare not provoke such a powerful spirit, or profane his temple.(他们不敢激怒这么强大的神灵,或者亵渎他的寺庙。)
Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God.(不可指着我的名起假誓,亵渎你神的名。)
Many extremist consider the clergy as elm gantry, who profane the name of god.(许多极端主义者认为神职人员虚伪,他们亵渎神名。)
For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the LORD.(连先知带祭司都是亵渎的,就是在我殿中我也看见他们的恶。这是耶和华说的。)
Roger’s Profanisaurus: Have fun looking up profane words at "the ultimate swearing dictionary."(Roger’sProfanisaurus:在“最令人唾骂的字典”里查询亵渎的单词非常有趣。)
But for few unlucky ones it has morphed from profound to profane.(但对于一些不幸,它演变深刻的亵渎。)
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