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英 [prəˈtektɪv]

美 [prəˈtɛktɪv]


副词: protectively 名词: protectiveness

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  • 保护(贸易)的
  • 防护的
  • 有贸易保护倾向的
  • 实行关税保护的
  • 袒护的
  • 自卫的
  • 显示保护意愿的
  • 防卫的
  • 保护物
  • [A]保护的,防护的 that gives protection
  • 显示保护意愿的 having or showing a wish to protect


1. intended or adapted to afford protection of some kind

e.g. a protective covering
the use of protective masks and equipment
protective coatings
kept the drunken sailor in protective custody
animals with protective coloring
protective tariffs

2. showing care

e.g. a protective mother

1. 保护的;防护的
Protective means designed or intended to protect something or someone from harm.

e.g. Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin...
e.g. Protective measures are necessary if the city's monuments are to be preserved.

2. 呵护的;有保护欲的
If someone is protective towards you, they look after you and show a strong desire to keep you safe.


e.g. He is very protective towards his mother...
e.g. Glynis was beside her, putting a protective arm around her shoulders.

Simon drove me to the airport and protectively told me to look after myself.
What she felt now was protectiveness towards her brothers, her sister and her new baby.

1. 保护的:protection system 保护系统 | protective 保护的 | protective armature 保护电枢

2. protective的意思

2. 消防的:protective work suit 防护工作服 | protective 消防的 | protectiveness 被保护的性质

3. 防护的:protective 保护的 | protective 防护的 | protectiveagent 防护剂

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • He wears a protective clothing.
  • We feel safe with a protective device in the house.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • He was..protective, taking my side against the..world.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • Keeping to the protective shadows, Mari followed him.

    出自:R. Thomas
  • On sunbeds..wear protective goggles.

    出自:V. Bramwell
The eponychium and the cuticle form a protective seal.(甲上皮和表皮形成一个防护密封。)
Varnish is the glossy protective layer applied to wooden furniture and other surfaces.(清漆是用于木质家具和其他表面的光滑的保护层。)
Fearing competition from stores that rent video games for home use, owners of stores that sell video games lobbied for protective legislation.(由于担心来自出租电子游戏机供家庭使用的商店的竞争,销售电子游戏机的商店老板游说以寻求保护性立法。)
She had been fiercely protective towards him as a teenager.(她过去曾极力呵护他这个十几岁的孩子。)
It's admirable to be protective of our kids, but is it good?(保护我们的孩子是好的,但这对我们的孩子有利吗?)
Ozone forms a protective layer between 12 and 30 miles above the Earth's surface.(臭氧在距地球表面12至30英里的地方形成一个保护层。)
What do we have here? Protective clothes.(看看这里有着什么?防护服。)
Recent studies show that they may be badly designed that protective services are inadequate and their equipments is poorly maintained.(最近的研究表明,它们可能设计地很糟糕,保护检修不足,设备维护不善。)
Workers should wear full protective clothing.(工人应该穿着全套防护服。)
It is obligatory for all employees to wear protective clothing.(所有员工必须穿防护服装。)
protective是什么意思 protective在线翻译 protective什么意思 protective的意思 protective的翻译 protective的解释 protective的发音 protective的同义词