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英 [ˈprʊəriənt]

美 [ˈprʊriənt]


副词: pruriently 名词: prurience

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  • 好色的
  • 伸得过长的
  • 淫乱的
  • 热望的
  • 下作的
  • 淫亵的
  • 渴想的
  • 引起淫欲的
  • 荒淫的
  • 有挑逗性的
  • 猥亵的


1. characterized by lust

e.g. eluding the lubricious embraces of her employer
her sensuous grace roused his lustful nature
prurient literature
prurient thoughts
a salacious rooster of a little man

Synonym: lubriciouslustfulsalacious

1. 好色的;淫秽的
If you describe someone as prurient, you mean that they show too much interest in sexual matters.


e.g. We read the gossip written about them with prurient interest.

1. 好色的:pruriency 好色 | prurient 好色的 | pruriently 好色地

2. 好色的,渴望的:shenanigan 胡闹,恶作剧 | prurient 好色的,渴望的 | bagpipie 风笛(这个词听力中也会出现,要记忆)

3. prurient在线翻译

3. 好色的,淫乱的:prune 修剪,剪除 | prurient 好色的,淫乱的 | prurience 好色,淫乱

4. 好色的, 渴望的 (形):prurience 好色; 渴望 (名) | prurient 好色的, 渴望的 (形) | pruriently 好色地; 热望地 (副)

  • 经典引文

  • Prurient longing after..personal gossip.

    出自:C. Kingsley
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

And clearly, the public assaults on his company's prurient taste in programming over the years have stung.(很明显,该公司由于这些年淫秽的节目风格而尝到了受公众抨击的厉害。)
We read the gossip written about them with prurient interest.(我们读到关于他们对色欲之兴趣的流言。)
Something, such as language or printed matter, considered obscene , prurient, or immoral.(这本书中有很多淫秽的语言。)
Harry potter most people prurient interest of course is super magic scene.(哈利·波特中最为人津津乐道的当然是特级的魔法场景。)
Most modern misery literature, however, is the purest voyeurism, an opportunity to pry into the degradation of others through secondhand confessional of the most graphic and prurient sort.(然而,大多数的“悲剧文学”都是通过最生动、最淫秽的间接自述来趁机窥伺他人的落魄,都纯粹属于偷窥他人隐私之作。)
prurient是什么意思 prurient在线翻译 prurient什么意思 prurient的意思 prurient的翻译 prurient的解释 prurient的发音 prurient的同义词