英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [sɑ:m]

美 [sɑm]



过去式: psalmed 过去分词: psalmed 现在分词: psalming 第三人称单数: psalms

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  • 圣诗
  • 圣歌
  • 【宗】赞美诗
  • 【圣经】《诗篇》
  • 圣咏
  • 赞美歌
  • 《诗篇》中的任何一首
  • 唱赞美诗祝祷
  • 用赞美诗祝贺
  • 唱(圣歌)
  • 唱(赞美诗)
  • 咏(诗篇)
  • 唱圣歌赞美或庆祝


1. any sacred song used to praise the deity



1. sing or celebrate in psalms

e.g. He psalms the works of God

1. 诗篇(《圣经》中《诗篇》卷150篇中的任何一篇)
The Psalms are the 150 songs, poems, and prayers which together form the Book of Psalms in the Bible.

e.g. He recited a verse of the twenty-third psalm.

1. psalm的近义词

1. 赞美诗:叙利亚赞美诗(Psalm)的歌唱方法和赞美歌(hymn)的运用,都是从拜占符,形成一个花唱的装饰性的歌调. 其中被称为固定旋律(tenor)的圣咏旋律已很难辨圣母院乐派(Notre DameSchool)在一个多世纪里影响了西欧音乐的发展. 其中两位有记这一时期另外两种复调音乐形式是孔杜克图斯(conduc- tus)和经文歌(motet)孔杜克

2. psalm是什么意思

2. 圣诗:sermon 讲经 | psalm 圣诗 | canticle 赞美诗

3. 圣歌:processional-行列聖歌 | program music-表題歌 | psalm-聖歌

We praise God for who he is and we thank God for what he has done (Hebrews 13:15; Psalm 116:17).(我们赞美上帝、感谢上帝他所做的一切(来13:15;诗116:17)。)
Remember that? Of course that is a quotation from Psalm 22.(还记得不?当然那是从《诗篇》第22章中引用的。)
Psalm 102 is like a two-sided coin.(《诗篇》第102章的内容就像一枚双面的硬币。)
Psalm 16, it's filled with fears but the last verse is "You show me the path of life."(在诗篇16中充满着恐惧,但最后一节是:“你必将生命的道路指示我。”)
Passages like Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 spoke extensively about the suffering of the Messiah.(像在诗篇二十二章和以赛亚书五十三章里,有大量篇幅描述了弥撒亚要受苦而死。)
I have put the first two verses of Psalm 39 on the sheet.(在我们今天发放的传单上,前两节来自诗篇39篇。)
In Psalm 13, David calls out, "How long, o Lord?" Will you forget me forever?(在《诗篇》第13节,大卫唤道,“耶和华啊,你忘记我要到几时呢?”)
Now here we have the Palms of David - Psalm 39.(可现在我们拿在手里的是大卫的另一首诗歌:诗篇39。)
Psalm 91, which talks about God being our refuge and fortress, makes a great prayer for protection.(诗篇91,其讲述了上帝使我们的避难所和堡垒,他为我们祈祷保护。)
He recited a verse of the twenty-third psalm.(他背诵了《诗篇》中的第二十三个诗节。)
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