英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:08:29



英 [ˈpʊʃi]

美 ['pʊʃɪ]


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副词: pushily 比较级: pushier 最高级: pushiest 名词: pushiness

  • 英英释义

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1. marked by aggressive ambition and energy and initiative

e.g. an aggressive young executive
a pushful insurance agent

Synonym: pushful

1. 固执己见的;一意孤行的;爱出风头的
If you describe someone as pushy, you mean that they try in a forceful way to get things done as they would like or to increase their status or influence.

e.g. She was a confident and pushy young woman...
e.g. My mother encouraged us, but was never pushy.

1. pushy在线翻译

1. 有进取心的:purposeful 意志坚强的 | pushy 有进取心的 | qualified 合格的

2. pushy的意思

2. 有精力的:pushup 伏地挺身 | pushy 有精力的 | pusillanimity 无气力


3. 同场景互动推开障碍物:Booster Seat: 成功被队友抬起 | Pushy: 同场景互动推开障碍物 | Out of Breach: 完成一次破门

4. 绿色:Pussy.|女色 | Pushy?|绿色? | Pussy.|女色

  • 经典引文

  • A gaggle of pushy European journalists thrust microphones under his nose.

    出自:Melody Maker
  • I gave John every encouragement I could, without being indecently pushy.

    出自:M. Forster
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He decides to sort out her life for her, while a pushy Greek chorus dispenses advice from the sidelines.(他决定帮她理顺一下生活,而一位爱管闲事的希腊剧情解说演员则从旁观者的角度发表了建议。)
The good news is that 99.9 percent of business transactions are completely unlike the pushy sales pitch.(所幸的是99.9%的商业行为完全不像这种极力的推销!)
You would love to initiate conversation but you don't want to come off as cheesy, pushy, or desperate.(你很想和他或她交谈,但开场白又不能显得笨拙可笑、咄咄逼人或是非常迫不及待。)
There's little worse than an overly forward or pushy ending.(几乎没有什么比在邮件结束时过度催促或强求更糟糕了。)
Some demands are pushy.(欧盟有些要求比较过分。)
Their inability to scowl seemed to impair their ability to see why pushy telemarketers or a lack of birthday wishes might make one's face fall.(他们无法动怒似乎削弱了他们的能力,让他们明白为什么咄咄逼人的电话推销员或没得到生日祝愿可能会让一个人沉下脸来。)
A previous U.S. study found that pushy women job applicants were the least likely candidates to be employed.(此外,一项很久以前的调查发现,咄咄逼人、或者说是“特别厉害”的女求职者往往得不到用人单位的喜欢,得到聘用的几率几乎为0!)
She was a confident and pushy young woman.(她是个自信、有进取心的年轻女性。)
Overuse will only make you look pushy.(过度使用只会让你显得莽撞。)
Pushy parents are everywhere, it seems, and childhood tainted.(看起来,爱出风头的双亲到处都有,孩童也受感染了。)
pushy是什么意思 pushy在线翻译 pushy什么意思 pushy的意思 pushy的翻译 pushy的解释 pushy的发音 pushy的同义词