英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:56:55


英 [ˌreɪdiˈɒlədʒi]

美 [ˌreɪdiˈɑ:lədʒi]


形容词: radiological 副词: radiologically 名词: radiologist

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  • 【医】放射学
  • 放射(线)医学
  • X光片读片
  • 辐射学
  • 放射医疗
  • X射线学
  • X光线学
  • 放射线学
  • X光线科
  • 放射线科


1. (radiology) examination of the inner structure of opaque objects using X rays or other penetrating radiation

Synonym: radioscopy

2. the branch of medical science dealing with the medical use of X-rays or other penetrating radiation

1. 放射(医)学
Radiology is the branch of medical science that uses X-rays and radioactive substances to treat diseases.

1. 放射学:这项在权威学刊<>(Radiology)月刊发表的研究发现,病患脑受损部位包括负责学习、记忆和情感的海马体(hippocampus)、大脑皮层和胼胝体(corpus callosum,联系左右脑的一组神经线).

2. 放射科:有些专科的医生,比如放射科(Radiology)、麻醉科(Anesthesiology)、病理科(Pathology)的医生,他们的工作作基本都是在医院内部进行的,不能独立行医. 这样的医生大多数是直接被医院雇用的,属于医院的雇员,从医院支取薪水,

3. 放射医学:美国专家在日前发表於<Radiology)>>杂志的一份研究报告中警告说,激素替代疗法(HRT)很可能会因爲增加乳房组织的密度而影响到对绝经后妇女的乳腺癌早期诊断.

4. 放射线:测试对象: 此次Connectathon,只针对放射线(Radiology)领域进行测试. 测试要求的Profile和Actor如下列表:测试费用 每一个参加测试的功能角色(Actor)需要缴纳3500元人民币的测试费用.

For example, the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) has endorsed further research into Dr. Zamboni's theory.(比如,放射型干预社会学(SIR)对Zamboni博士理论的深入研究进行了资助。)
One team works on a Radiology Information System (RIS) solution that handles these tasks(一个处理RadiologyInformationSystem(X光信息系统,RIS)解决方案的团队将负责以下任务)
I want to pull him down by his white lapels and shout in his face: Radiology!(我想扯着他白色的衣襟,冲他喊叫,要他规矩点:放射学!)
The service I used as an example in this article (the Radiology Department application service) is based on WSDL.(在本文中我所用的示例服务(RadiologyDepartment应用程序服务)是基于WSDL的。)
Open the same client.html file that you used earlier while testing the Radiology Department application in your browser.(在您的浏览器中打开与之前您用来测试RadiologyDepartment应用程序相同的client.html文件。)
Zip files you created at the end of the packaging the Radiology Department application and Configuring and packaging a service consumer sections.(它们为您在打包RadiologyDepartment应用程序和配置并打包服务客户部分的结尾处创建的两个.zip文件匹配文件名。)
The branch of radiology that deals with the nervous system.(神经放射学放射学中研究神经系统的分支。)
You have packaged your radiology application, which is a service provider.(您已经打包了您的Radiology应用程序,这是一个服务提供商。)
Following a doctor's recommendation after a physical, he went for an exam at a Fort Myers radiology center.(在一次体检后遵循医生的建议,他来到福特·梅尔斯的一个放射治疗中心做检查。)
Instead, I'll use a simple default combination of ready-made interceptors that can invoke the Radiology Department application.(相反,我将使用一个简单默认的现成的拦截器组合,该组合可调用RadiologyDepartment应用程序。)
radiology是什么意思 radiology在线翻译 radiology什么意思 radiology的意思 radiology的翻译 radiology的解释 radiology的发音 radiology的同义词