英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈrəʊlə(r)]

美 [ˈroʊlə(r)]



  • 详情解释

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  • 滚轴
  • 绷带卷
  • 卷轴
  • 压路机
  • 鹞鸽
  • 滚筒
  • 巨浪
  • 金丝雀
  • 轧辊
  • 【印】墨辊
  • 卷浪
  • 涂料辊
  • 卷发筒
  • 滚柱
  • 辊子
  • 使滚转的人
  • 滚转物
  • 印色辊
  • [C]滚压机; 滚杠,滚柱 cylinder used for flattening or spreading things
  • [C]定型卷夹 small cylinder of plastic around which hair is wound to make it curl
  • [C]巨浪 a long heavy wave on the coast



1. a grounder that rolls along the infield

2. pigeon that executes backward somersaults in flight or on the ground

Synonym: tumblertumbler pigeon

3. Old World bird that tumbles or rolls in flight
related to kingfishers

4. a mechanical device consisting of a cylindrical tube around which the hair is wound to curl it

e.g. a woman with her head full of curlers is not a pretty sight

Synonym: curlerhair curlercrimper

5. a cylinder that revolves

6. a small wheel without spokes (as on a roller skate)

7. a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore

Synonym: rollrolling wave

1. 滚筒;滚轴;碾子
A roller is a cylinder that turns round in a machine or device.

2. 卷发筒;发卷
Rollers are hollow tubes that women roll their hair round in order to make it curly.

1. 滚轴:举一个简单的例子来告诉读者两者的差异;图9是一组离合器(Clutch)的组合模型,其中包含四组模型,第一组组合模型包含一个滚轴(Roller) 、第二组组合模型包含两个滚轴(Roller)、第三组组合模型包含三个滚轴(Roller)、第四组组合模型

2. 滚筒:将SL-200树脂先倒入搅拌桶内,水泥骨材加入中并同时以搅拌器缓慢搅拌使其完成分散后,以毛刷、滚筒(Roller)或喷涂方式涂部於施工面上,使用量请参考施工设计图.

3. 辊:昆山分公司已于2004年02月正式开始运作. 目前公司拥有电脑加工中心(CNC)十二台,最大加工范围1100×550MM,CNC火花机一台(可侧面放电,用于加工高难度模具),普通铣床、电脑车床、喷砂机、线切割机等辅助设备若干. 1、各种精密胶辊*(ROLLER)模具和冶具;

4. 滚子:带槽角度可分20度、25度、30度及45度等,系决定於运搬物之性质与形状. 一般为采用20度. 此外,亦有使用平型滚子(roller)及U形槽 构造者 . 输送机之倾斜角系指搬运物通过滚轴承受冲击 后,在带上可稳定输送之角度

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • They pushed the boat down to the water on rollers.
  • The oil was pressed out by the heavy roller.
  • She put her hair in rollers to make it curl.
  • The great Atlantic rollers surged in.
用作名词 (n.)
  • 词义讲解

roller, breaker, ripple, wave
  • 这四个词都有“波浪”的意思,其区别是:
  • wave指任何波浪,尤指海浪; ripple指细流、涟漪; roller指大浪或起伏的巨浪; breaker指大浪冲岸后的浪花。试比较下面的句子:
  • The little boat vanished beneath the waves.
  • 小船被海浪吞没。
  • There is scarcely a ripple on the lake.
  • 湖面上风平浪静,涟漪不兴。
  • Huge rollers broke on the beach.
  • 巨浪冲上沙滩。
  • His favorite sport is riding the breakers in.
  • 他最喜欢的运动是冲浪。
  • 相关列句
    Afterward, time strode over me slowly, just like the road roller runs over the surface of an asphalt pavement that was not enough smooth.(后来,时间慢慢地从我身上走过,就像压路机在不够平整的沥青路面上碾过一样。)
    The last few weeks have been a real roller coaster.(过去的几个星期,形势真是变幻莫测。)
    You can shop, eat, ice skate, see a movie and ride on a roller coaster here.(在这里你可以购物、就餐、滑冰、看电影,还可以玩过山车。)
    Cedar Point set out to market itself as "The Roller Coaster Capital of the World" with several record breakers over the next decade.(在下一个十年里,杉点乐园以其打破的几项纪录的成绩,将它自己打造成为“世界云霄飞车之都”。)
    It's great to go on the roller coaster five times and not be sick.(能坐5次过山车而不吐真够棒的。)
    They can't roller-skate.(他们不能滑旱冰。)
    The boy can do roller skating.(这个男孩会滑旱冰。)
    They roller-skate down the street.(他们在街上滑旱冰。)
    Our attitudes prompt us to go outside to enjoy roller-skating.(我们的态度促使我们到户外去享受滑旱冰的乐趣。)
    Steel roller coaster located at Tokyo Dome City Attractions park in Tokyo.(这架钢架构过山车位于东京巨蛋城内。)
    roller是什么意思 roller在线翻译 roller什么意思 roller的意思 roller的翻译 roller的解释 roller的发音 roller的同义词