英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:57:14



英 [ˈrɑ:ftə(r)]

美 [ˈræftə(r)]


形容词: raftered

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1. one of several parallel sloping beams that support a roof

Synonym: balkbaulk

2. someone who travels by raft

Synonym: raftsmanraftman


1. provide (a ceiling) with rafters

Rafters are the sloping pieces of wood that support a roof.

e.g. From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.

1. rafter的翻译

1. 椽条:结构椽条(Rafter)及桁架(Truss),其顶部结系构材及上框使用之连结物(铁件),在结构耐力上,必须有效紧密结合. 但依本准则第C.11节结构计算,确定符合结构安全者,不在此限. 解说: 1. 屋顶组合系统之组合,系由屋面板(支撑屋顶面荷重作用,

2. 椽子:(1)椽子(Rafter) 承担屋面上的荷载,是架设在脊檩、檩、檐檩上的细长斜木. 玻璃温室通常每隔45cm安装一根. 近几年在大型温室或荷兰式温室中间距更大,实际间距应配合玻璃的规格而定. (2)檩(Purlin) 支撑在屋面的屋架上,设在脊檩和檐檩之间,

3. 椽:raft foundation 筏式基础;筏式地基 | rafter 椽 | rail 栏杆;横档

4. 橼:rafter sample 橼上灰尘取样 | rafter 橼 | rail ladder 有围栏的梯子

And can you honestly tell me that you don't watch Sampras or Patrick Rafter.(你能忠实地告诉我你不看桑普拉斯或者拉夫特吗?)
The carpenter working on the rafter passed his axe down to his mate below.(在椽子上干活的木匠将斧子传给下面的伙伴。)
And she began to feel dizzy and fell off the rafter.(她开始觉得头晕了就从屋梁上掉了下来。)
Through over-all stability analysis, the influence of height-span ratio, rafter slope to the stability and the effective factors of gable portal frames are also presented in this paper.(通过对门式刚架的整体稳定分析,研究了刚架的高跨比、斜梁坡度对结构的稳定和计算长度系数的影响。)
Son with flying eaves, rafter length ratio is about five to two.(檐椽与飞子的长度之比约五比二。)
When the hell did you say you developed this RAFTER?(你说你到底在什么时候研究出了这个“筏夫”?)
The only help Ms. Foster required from her husband was setting the columns and rafter over the porch.(“佛斯特”女士唯一向丈夫寻求帮助的就是安置支撑柱和门廊上面的掾子。)
Whilst in hiding he was said to have seen a spider swing from one rafter to another in an attempt to anchor its web.(在他逃亡居住的时候说他看到了一只蜘蛛从一个椽柱努力的荡到另一个椽柱好让他织网。)
The red hen flew all the way to the top of the roof and sat on a rafter.(红母鸡一路飞到屋顶上并坐在一块屋梁上。)
Purlin logs run along the length of the building and support the rafter timbers. Tongue and groove decking and stud-framed walls complete the shell of the building.(檩条木材沿建筑物的长度和支持的椽木运行,舌槽盖板与柱墙框架完整的建筑外壳。)
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