英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [rɪ'neɪsnt]

美 [rɪˈnæsənt, -ˈnesənt]

adj. 复兴的; 再生的

  • 英英释义

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1. rising again as to new life and vigor

e.g. resurgent nationalism

Synonym: resurgent

1. 新生的:renascence 新生 | renascent 新生的 | renationalization 重新收归国有

2. renascent是什么意思

2. 草本多年生植物:renardite 黄磷铅轴矿 | renascent 草本多年生植物 | renascentherb 多年生草木

3. 多年生草木:脱澁 removal of astringency | 多年生草木 renascent | 复性 renaturation

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

With the elevation of the integrated power of China, nationalism turns to renascent tendency.(随着中国综合实力的提升,民族主义呈复兴之势。)
Some renascent mortal got arthritis and myocarditis, and whether they will be senescence or juvenescence is a question.(新兴的人类得了关节炎和心肌炎。他们是否会衰老还是返老还童,这是个问题。)
It can't make secondary injury of the wound and renascent skin.(既能促进伤口愈合,又能防止伤口粘连,对新生皮肤和伤口无二次损伤。)
All renascent oxygen is consumed for oxidizing metal anode to form metal oxide film.(当形成足够厚的氧化膜后,阳极的氧化速度减慢,阳极表面才析出氧气。)
This is a significant force in a renascent economy and create a large number of employment opportunities.(这是复兴经济和创造就业机会的一股重要力量。)
Want serious analysis only actually, found by the reason of K, still can have a renascent day.(其实只要认真分析,找到了被K的原因,还是会有复活的一天的。)
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