英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˌri:əˈlɪstɪk]

美 [ˌriəˈlɪstɪk]


副词: realistically

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  • 现实的
  • 逼真的
  • 现实主义的
  • 栩栩如生的
  • 实际可行的
  • 【哲】实在论(者)的
  • 注重实际的
  • 写实的
  • 唯实论的
  • 明智的
  • 恰如其分的
  • 能够实现的
  • 实事求是的
  • 真实的
  • 合理的
  • 现实的,实际可行的; 现实主义的 showing realism


1. aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are

e.g. a realistic description
a realistic view of the possibilities
a realistic appraisal of our chances
the actors tried to create a realistic portrayal of the Africans

2. representing what is real
not abstract or ideal

e.g. realistic portraiture
a realistic novel
in naturalistic colors
the school of naturalistic writers

Synonym: naturalistic

3. of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of realism

e.g. a realistic system of thought

1. 现实的;务实的;实事求是的
If you are realistic about a situation, you recognize and accept its true nature and try to deal with it in a practical way.

e.g. Police have to be realistic about violent crime...
e.g. It's only realistic to acknowledge that something, some time, will go wrong.

As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically.

2. (目标或目的等)现实的,明智的,能实现的
Something such as a goal or target that is realistic is one which you can sensibly expect to achieve.

e.g. Multi-party elections are scheduled for sometime next year but many doubt that this is a realistic goal...
e.g. A more realistic figure is eleven million...

3. (绘画、小说或电影)现实主义风格的,写实的,逼真的
You say that a painting, story, or film is realistic when the people and things in it are like people and things in real life.

e.g. ...extraordinarily realistic paintings of Indians...
e.g. The language is foul and the violence horribly realistic.

The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.

1. 实事求是的:希望员工光明正大的(Sporting)、实事求是的(Realistic)接人待物,而懒惰散漫、形象邋遢、言行粗鲁、举止不雅等等,是不能被接受的. 专业技术能力是指掌握一定的专业技术知识,并运用这些知识去解决领导实践中遇到的专业技术难题的一种能力.

2. 实际的:培训会议由赵总主持,叶博、罗总监、刘经理、陈经理、张娜分别讲解了目标必须是现实的、实际的(Realistic),目标必须是达成一致的(Agreeable),目标必须是具体的(Specific),目标必须具有明确的截止期限(Time-based),

3. realistic

3. 实际型:实际型(Realistic):基本的人格倾向是,喜欢有规则的具体劳动和需要基本操作技能的工作,缺乏社交能力,不适应社会性质的职业. 具有这种类型人格的人其典型的职业包括技能性职业(如一般劳工、技工、修理工、农民等)和技术性职业(如制图员、机械装配工等).

  • 常用例句

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  • She is a realistic woman.
  • It is a realistic painting.
  • It's a realistic idea.
  • To look realistic, wigs need to be of the highest quality.

  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.realistic

Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives, keeping in mind your beliefs, values and strengths.

设定现实目标的另一种方法是分析你的短期和长期目标, 记住你的信仰、价值观和优势。


It is not realistic to expect people to spend so much money.(期望人们花那么多的钱是不实际的。)
To truly tackle the problem of traffic congestion, we need more realistic solutions.(要真正解决交通拥堵问题,我们需要更现实的解决方案。)
Though one should have dreams, it's not realistic to exist on dreams.(尽管人应该有梦想,但是依靠梦想生活也不现实。)
Those realistic possibilities are highlighted in the study presented by David Graddol.(这些现实的可能性在DavidGraddol的研究中得到了强调。)
That's partially because it appears people who set realistic goals actually work more efficiently, and exert more effort, to achieve those goals.(部分原因是,设定现实目标的人确实工作效率更高、更努力去实现这些目标。)
He does not have any realistic chance of winning the election.(他没有任何赢得这次选举的实际机会。)
We are now far more sober and realistic.(我们现在严肃多了,也现实多了。)
Another realistic touch was using three-dimensional objects on the set, like rocks and bushes as opposed to two-dimensional painted scenery.(另一种现实主义手法是在布景中使用三维物体,如岩石和灌木,而不是二维绘制风景。)
In about 1930, Calder turned from realistic wire figures to abstract ones.(大约在1930年,考尔德从现实的金属人物形象转向抽象人物形象。)
You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself.(你必须给自己确定切实可行的目的和目标。)
realistic是什么意思 realistic在线翻译 realistic什么意思 realistic的意思 realistic的翻译 realistic的解释 realistic的发音 realistic的同义词