The third part analysis whether this contract could apply to the system of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus.(第三部分对本案合同能否适用情事变更制度进行了分析。)
It can be likened to a rebus, which uses pictures and single letters, or numbers to represent whole words (e.g, "i <3 u" means “I love you”, b4 means before, lol means laugh out loud, etc. ).(这种短信文是由图片、字母或数字的组合来代表某个单词的,感觉像字谜一样。比如:"i<3u"就代表“我爱你”(中间的<3像是一颗心的形状,代表“爱”),b4就是before(以前)这个单词的缩写形式,而lol则是laughoutloud(大声笑出来)这三个单词的缩写。)
The fifth part does some legal consideration of perfecting the system of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus .(第五部分对完善我国情事变更制度进行了法律思考。)
His Scottish detective character, named Rebus, has been adapted for television.(他的苏格兰私人侦探“雷布斯”已经被搬上荧屏。)
Most people know a sort of puzzle called rebus.(大多数人都知道有一种称为画谜的猜谜。)
In the time of Mathurin Regnier, this cabaret was called the Pot-aux-Roses, and as the rebus was then in fashion, it had for its sign-board , a post painted rose-color.(在马蒂兰·雷尼埃②的时代,这酒店的店名是“玫瑰花盆”,当时的风尚是文字游戏,那店家便用一根漆成粉红色的柱子③作为招牌。)
The first , explaining the system of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus, and then analyzing whether the fact in this contract belonged to Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus;(首先,对情事变更制度的含义进行了阐释,进而分析了本案合同纠纷中的事实是否属于情事变更;)
rebus是什么意思 rebus在线翻译 rebus什么意思 rebus的意思 rebus的翻译 rebus的解释 rebus的发音 rebus的同义词