英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈrænsəm]

美 [ˈrænsəm]



名词: ransomer 过去式: ransomed 过去分词: ransomed 现在分词: ransoming 第三人称单数: ransoms

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

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  • 网络解释

  • [U][C]付赎金救人;赎金 freeing of a captive upon payment;the money paid



1. the act of freeing from captivity or punishment

2. payment for the release of someone

3. money demanded for the return of a captured person

Synonym: ransom money


1. exchange or buy back for money
under threat

Synonym: redeem

1. 赎价;赎金
A ransom is the money that has to be paid to someone so that they will set free a person they have kidnapped.

e.g. Her kidnapper successfully extorted a £75,000 ransom for her release...
e.g. The president has said the United States will never pay ransom for the hostages...

2. 赎回;赎出
If you ransom someone who has been kidnapped, you pay the money to set them free.

e.g. The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives.

3. 劫持(某人)勒索金钱;绑票;绑架
If a kidnapper is holding someone to ransom or holding them ransom in British English, or is holding a person for ransom in American English, they keep that person prisoner until they are given what they want.

e.g. He is charged with kidnapping a businessman last year and holding him for ransom...
e.g. In Rio, nearly forty people have been held to ransom this year alone...

4. 威胁;胁迫
If you say that someone is holding you to ransom in British English, or holding you for ransom in American English, you mean that they are using their power to try to force you to do something which you do not want to do.

e.g. Unison and the other unions have the power to hold the Government to ransom.

5. 一大笔钱;巨款
If you refer to a sum of money as a king's ransom, you are emphasizing that it is very large.

e.g. ...clients happy to pay a king's ransom for a haircut.


1. 赎金风暴:据中影的工作人员介绍,<>的情节有些类似梅尔.吉布森主演的卖座影片 <>(Ransom),两者讲的都是有关用金钱救赎家人的故事,影片的目标观众是福伯的铁杆影迷以及喜欢动作惊险片的观众,

2. 綁票追緝令:当然最后我们了解这部电影是强烈反暴力的,但被断章取义的话呢?我读到报导说有些新纳粹主义者在电影院里对那些煽动性演说与施暴桥段欢呼. 就像[绑票追缉令](Ransom)现在变成匪徒的圣经一样,[美国X档案]可能也会变成新纳粹主义的圣经.

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  • 经典引文

1. a king's ransom : 一笔巨款;

2. hold sb. to ransom : 绑票;

  • They have to pay a large ransom.
用作名词 (n.)
  • He would not pay the ransom demanded for his kidnapped grandson.

    出自:S. Naipaul
  • Those tears..are rich, and ransom all ill deeds.

The ransom profits are enormous and growing.(从绑架事件中得到的赎金金额庞大,并且还在不断增长。)
They are holding her prisoner and demanding a large ransom.(他们把她劫持了,并索要巨额赎金。)
But the kidnappers have not yet contacted anyone to demand a ransom.(至今绑匪尚未与任何人联系索取赎金。)
The ransom must proportion the losses we have borne.(赎金必须相当于我们所遭受的损失。)
They are refusing to pay ransom for her release.(他们拒绝支付赎金来解救她。)
Despite payment of a large ransom he was never seen again.(尽管她支付了大笔赎金,丈夫王德辉从未再出现过。)
Hive them in the cave till they raise a ransom.(把他们撵到洞里去,等他们拿了赎金再放出来。)
And then there is the ransom itself.(接下去就是赎金本身。)
If you pay the ransom, you may be signing your son's death warrant.(如果你付赎金,可能就要了你儿子的命。)
However, there are news reports that a ransom was paid.(不过,有新闻报导说,意大利支付了赎金。)
ransom是什么意思 ransom在线翻译 ransom什么意思 ransom的意思 ransom的翻译 ransom的解释 ransom的发音 ransom的同义词