英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ræˈpɔ:(r)]

美 [ræˈpɔr, -ˈpor, rə-]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 亲善
  • 交往
  • 密切关系
  • 和谐(一致)
  • 融洽(关系)
  • 情感协调
  • 友好关系
  • 和好
  • 和睦
  • 降神术中的与神鬼灵魂交往
  • 联系
  • 同意
  • 一致


1. a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people

Synonym: resonance

1. 和睦;友善;亲近
If two people or groups have a rapport, they have a good relationship in which they are able to understand each other's ideas or feelings very well.

e.g. He said he wanted 'to establish a rapport with the Indian people'...
e.g. The success depends on good rapport between interviewer and interviewee...

1. 协调关系:协调关系(rapport)是一个专业术语,在临床心理咨询、心理治疗中经常用到. 在心理测验实施中,这种关系指的是主试和被试之间一种友好的、合作的、能促使被试最大限度地做好测验的一种关系.


2. 治疗关系:非指导式疗法主要依据罗吉斯(Rogers)的自我实现理论,让儿童藉由治疗关系(rapport)的建立,重新体验人际关系和解决内在与外在的冲突. 若以参加的儿童人数来区分则有一对一游戏疗法,二、三人~四、五人的团体疗法,

  • 经典引文

  • The extraordinary rapport between soloist, conductor and orchestra produced an inspired performance.

    出自:C. Easton
  • His instinct for establishing an intimate rapport with those he photographed.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

People with common interests have natural rapport.(拥有相同兴趣爱好的人更容易和睦相处。)
It's the perfect way to establish rapport.(这是建立和谐关系的最佳途径。)
This neutral-rapport process lasts for a minute or two at most.(这个中性的融洽过程要保持1分钟或者最多两分钟。)
David Cameron's Conservatives are struggling to match Lady Thatcher's rapport with them.(大卫·卡梅隆的保守党正致力于达到撒切尔夫人与中产阶层的和谐程度。)
We can see how quickly rapport develops between women who meet for the first time.(我们可以想象得到初次见面的妇女之间是怎样快速建立起这种联系的。)
The success depends on good rapport between interviewer and interviewee.(成功取决于采访者和被采访者之间的融洽。)
Establishes rapport with interviewers and creates the perception of being like them.(和面试官建立良好的关系,使得自己的观点和招聘方一致。)
Good rapport does not mean you have to entertain rumor mongering and flirting.(保持良好关系并不意味着你得去造谣八卦或卖弄风骚以取悦他人。)
The key to establishing rapport with strangers is to learn how to become like them.(要和陌生人建立融洽的人际关系的关键就是要明白“人以群分,物以类聚”。)
In this article, I will discuss how to ask for a raise without destroying your office rapport.(这篇文章我将讨论怎样在不损害你的办公室人际关系的条件下要求加薪。)
rapport是什么意思 rapport在线翻译 rapport什么意思 rapport的意思 rapport的翻译 rapport的解释 rapport的发音 rapport的同义词