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英 [ˈri:dʒənl]

美 [ˈridʒənəl]



副词: regionally

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  • 地区的
  • 局部的
  • 整个地区的
  • 区域的
  • 地方(性)的
  • 地方主义的
  • 区域(性)的
  • 乡土的
  • 局部的
  • 部位的
  • 地域性的
  • 当地的
  • 方言的
  • 地区交易所
  • 分部



1. related or limited to a particular region

e.g. a regional dialect

2. characteristic of a region

e.g. regional flora

1. 地区的;区域的
Regional is used to describe things which relate to a particular area of a country or of the world.

e.g. ...the autonomous regional government of Andalucia.
e.g. ...concern about regional security...

The impact of these trends has varied regionally.


1. 区域性:它适合于 作为区域 性(Regional) 的SS7 网关来集中管理几个省市 的163/169 网络的呼叫接 续. 通过在线升 档ASG,便可提 高ASG 的处理能力以管理更多的端口和呼叫 量. ASG 是目前唯一可以提供商业用途的系 统,ASCEND 在这一方面具有世界领先的地 位,

2. 局部:对於哲学诠释学与意识型态之论争,Ricoeur认为,二者都是局部(regional)的诠释学,各有偏重,而他提出的批判诠释学并不希望兼并二者,而是要一方面保存二者的差异,另方面从各自的立场向对方提问,以期开显出不足与可补强的方向(Ricur 1981:100).

  • 经典引文

  • His voice still carried traces of a regional accent.

    出自:M. Underwood
  • Regional contrasts..have proved to be very large.

    出自:Social History of Medicine
The Garden's menu is based on Hawaiian regional cuisine.(花园饭店的菜肴以夏威夷地区的烹饪风格为基础。)
Building these dams provided cheap electricity, created jobs for workers, stimulated regional economic development, and allowed farming on lands that would otherwise be too dry.(修建这些水坝可提供廉价的电力,为工人创造就业机会,刺激了地区经济发展,并允许在否则将过于干燥的土地上进行耕种。)
Facilitate interactions with policy-makers on latest national and regional initiatives and frontier issues.(促进与决策者就最新的国家和区域倡议以及边界问题进行交流。)
Through regular regional educational meetings, a large annual meeting, individual farm visits and thousands of phone calls, the Amburghs pass on the principles of pasture management.(通过定期的区域教育、大型年度会议、个人农场参观和数千次电话访问,Amburgh家族传递着牧场管理的原则。)
The market place is no longer national or regional, but extends to all corners of the world.(市场不再是全国性或区域性的市场,而是扩展到世界的各个角落。)
Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.(学生通过他们的学校加入一个团队,这个团队提供一名志愿教练,并支付象征性的费用让学生参加地区和州的比赛。)
Even without the problem of regional differences, rocks present a difficulty as unique time markers.(即使没有区域差异的问题,岩石作为独特的时间标记也是一个难题。)
It ends up that I have data on more than just the immediate Grant City area, so I also included some regional data in the report.(最后,我得到的数据不仅仅是格兰特市周边地区的数据,所以我在报告中还包括了一些地区数据。)
Under pressure from the public, many regional governments cleaned up their beaches.(迫于公众的压力,许多地区政府治理了海滩污染。)
However, this approach does not include investment in new infrastructure, nor does it guarantee better regional cohesion.(然而,这种方法不包括对新基础设施的投资,也不能保证更好的地区凝聚力。)
regional是什么意思 regional在线翻译 regional什么意思 regional的意思 regional的翻译 regional的解释 regional的发音 regional的同义词