英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [rɪˈfaɪn]

美 [rɪˈfaɪn]


名词: refiner 过去式: refined 过去分词: refined 现在分词: refining 第三人称单数: refines

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  • 提去,(被)提炼,(被)提纯
  • 使优美,使文雅,使优雅,使高尚,使精致
  • 变纯净,纯化,使纯净,净化
  • 变得优雅精美,变高尚
  • 改善,改进,弄得更好,精益求精,使变得完善,除去缺点
  • 推敲,琢磨,斟酌
  • 使升华
  • 变纯粹
  • 使...的道德完善,使去掉粗俗言行
  • 澄清
  • 使精炼,(变得)精练,精制
  • 美化
  • vt. 提炼 purify
  • vt. & vi. (使)变得完善 polish; improve
  • vt. 使文雅高尚 cause to become more cultured, polished in manners; get rid of what is coarse or vulgar


1. make more complex, intricate, or richer

e.g. refine a design or pattern

Synonym: complicaterarifyelaborate

2. make more precise or increase the discriminatory powers of

e.g. refine a method of analysis
refine the constant in the equation

3. attenuate or reduce in vigor, strength, or validity by polishing or purifying

e.g. many valuable nutrients are refined out of the foods in our modern diet

4. improve or perfect by pruning or polishing

e.g. refine one's style of writing

Synonym: polishfine-tunedown

5. reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state
separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities

e.g. refine sugar

Synonym: rectify

6. treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition

e.g. refine paper stock
refine pig iron
refine oil

1. 提炼;精炼
When a substance is refined, it is made pure by having all other substances removed from it.

e.g. Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities.

...oil refining.

2. 改进,改善,改良(过程、理论或机器)
If something such as a process, theory, or machine is refined, it is improved by having small changes made to it.

e.g. Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.

1. 改进:这样的好处是,当你使用 reflect构造一个类的时候,可以得到更精确的类别而不是泛泛的Object. 另一种需要当心的问题是:返回值协变(covariant returns). 即改进(refine)子类方法的返回值. 旧代码如下:

2. 净化:机器人利用主页中的超文本链接遍历Web,通过URL引用从一个HTML文档爬行到另一个HTML文档. 网上机器人收集到的信息可有多种用途,如建立索引、HTML文件的验证、URL链接验证、获取更新信息、站点镜象等. (3) 进一步净化(refine)结果

  • 常用短语

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  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    取去 take away
    refine sth ⇔ away

    But I have refined everything away by this time—anger, indignation, scorn itself.Nothing left but disgust.


  • They refine sugar using this way.
  • The purpose of oil refinery is to refine crude petroleum.
  • He has refined his taste and manners.
  • Reading good books helps to refine one's speech.
  • He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy.
  • Reporters tried to refine their question to draw a direct response.
  • 1
  • Oil must be refined before it can be used.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Her poetry..gained simplicity and directness as she refined it.

    出自:G. Daly
  • 词语用法

  • refine的基本意思是“提炼,精炼,精制”,指在原基础上向好的方面发展。引申可表示“使变得完善,使变得优雅”。
  • refine可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。
  • refine后接副词away表示“取去粗俗事物或行为”; 后接介词on〔upon〕表示“改进,完善”; 后接介词into表示“把…提炼成为…”; 后接复合介词out of表示“从…中提炼出”。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Refine schedule and budget estimates based on details of the design model.(基于设计模型的细化时间进行计划和预算的预估。)
Their daily work is to refine crude oil.(他们每天的工作是精炼原油。)
Can they refine the idea and resubmit it?(他们能改进一下想法然后重新提交吗?)
You can get a little fancier as you refine.(当您改进的时候可以获得一点兴趣。)
To achieve this, you need to further refine the filter.(为了实现此目的,您需要进一步改进该筛选器。)
At the same time, more of this newly discovered oil is of the type that requires a greater investment to refine.(与此同时,这些新发现的石油中有更多属于需要加大投资才能提炼的类型。)
Let's try to refine the personality theory.(让我们给人格论重新定义一下。)
PDVSA USES it to refine 200, 000 barrels per day-well below its capacity.(PDVSA每天使用它提炼200,000桶油,这远远低于它的产能。)
You always can refine more and more, and as you do, your photos become stronger.(你总是可以不断地加工提炼,这样,你的照片就会越来越强。)
Refine and clarify your vision.(精练地阐明你的见解。)
refine是什么意思 refine在线翻译 refine什么意思 refine的意思 refine的翻译 refine的解释 refine的发音 refine的同义词