英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:34:16


英 [ˌri:əˌbɪlɪ'teɪʃn]

美 [ˌrihəˌbɪləˈteʃən]


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  • 英英释义

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  • 修复
  • 复兴
  • 复职
  • 康复
  • 更新
  • 改过迁善
  • 恢复名誉
  • 昭雪
  • 复原
  • 恢复正常生活


1. the conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation

Synonym: reclamationrenewal

2. the restoration of someone to a useful place in society

3. the treatment of physical disabilities by massage and electrotherapy and exercises

4. vindication of a person's character and the re-establishment of that person's reputation

1. rehabilitation在线翻译

1. 复原:在公园的暑期青年义工团的工作有分两种:一种是公园巡逻队,另一种是森林复原(rehabilitation)及露营团﹝环 境冲击较小的露营法﹞. 担任巡逻队工作,可以自行选择日期. 不过我都是能去就尽量去. 大概每星期一、三、五,一次是巡逻五个小时.

2. rehabilitation的翻译

2. 复健:预防疾病的发生,并促进健康发展;第二级预防(secondary prevention)是早期发现疾患、早期治疗、避免其慢性化;至於第三级预防(tertiary prevention)是对於病情较稳定的病患,给予适当的追踪照顾及复健(rehabilitation),减少其慢性化后遗症,

  • 经典引文

  • Screaming like an addict in a rehabilitation centre.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

And this is the objective of a system that claims to be for "corrections and rehabilitation".(这也是这个声称为了“改正和修复”的体系的目标所在。)
The reasons for Syria’s rehabilitation are subtler.(为叙利亚恢复名誉的原因很微妙。)
The prison service has the twin goals of punishment and rehabilitation.(监狱有惩罚和改造双重目的。)
The doodle is the latest in the recent rehabilitation of Confucius.(在近来孔子复兴热中,这个涂鸦是最新的表现。)
Rehabilitation programmes for child soldiers in Uganda.(乌干达娃娃兵康复计划。)
Another component is cognitive rehabilitation.(另一个组成部分是认知方面的康复。)
A number of other techniques are now being used by psychologists in the rehabilitation of young offenders.(一些别的技术现正被心理学家们用于年轻罪犯的复原。)
The emergency phase is rapidly shifting to recovery, rehabilitation and self-reliance.(应急阶段已迅速转向复苏、重建和自力更生。)
Public art installation in front of a rehabilitation center for handicapped children.(残疾儿童康复中心前的公共艺术设施。)
This paper focuses on hearing aid fitting, verification and aural rehabilitation.(本文侧重以助听器选配、验证以及听力康复为主。)
rehabilitation是什么意思 rehabilitation在线翻译 rehabilitation什么意思 rehabilitation的意思 rehabilitation的翻译 rehabilitation的解释 rehabilitation的发音 rehabilitation的同义词