英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˌremɪˈnɪs]

美 [ˌrɛməˈnɪs]


名词: reminiscer 过去式: reminisced 过去分词: reminisced 现在分词: reminiscing 第三人称单数: reminisces

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 网络解释

  • 追忆
  • 回想
  • 回忆(昔日的快乐时光)
  • 追忆地说(往事)
  • 追叙
  • 怀旧,话旧
  • 缅怀


1. recall the past

e.g. The grandparents sat there, reminiscing all afternoon

1. 追忆;回忆;叙旧
If you reminisce about something from your past, you write or talk about it, often with pleasure.


e.g. Ray and I ate our meal and reminisced about the trip...
e.g. I don't like reminiscing because it makes me feel old.

1. reminisce

1. 回忆:关于<>的评介已见过不少,只是最近,偶尔读到一份名为<>(Reminisce)的英文杂志之后,重温几册<>,一些原先较为模糊的异样感觉才清晰起来.

2. reminisce的意思

2. 追忆过往:104 R 解读符文 Read the Runes | 105 U 追忆过往 Reminisce | 106 C 激流生物学家 Riptide Biologist

3. 追忆往事:reminisce 追忆说 | reminisce 追忆往事 | reminiscence 怀旧

4. (回忆) 休闲:288 Medical Economics(医药经济) 行业 | 289 Reminisce(回忆) 休闲 | 290 Pillsbury Classic Cookbooks 烹饪

  • 经典引文

  • 'I remember when the whole thing was eighteenth century,' he reminisced.

    出自:A. Glyn
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Still it is really lovely to go back and reminisce.(依然很怀念回到过去美好的时光。)
Plenty of time to reminisce about your pitifully short lives. Please.(你有足够的时间去回忆你痛苦短暂的一生。)
Therefore I don't waste much time to reminisce about the past.(所以,我不会浪费大量的时间整理过去的时光。)
Drink a glass of wine, coffee, or tea, read a good book, or watch a good movie. Look at old photographs and reminisce.(喝上一杯酒,咖啡或茶,然后读本好书,或看场精彩的电影,也可以翻翻老照片,回忆过去。)
I'd like to take some time now to reminisce about last year.(我现在想花点时间来回想去年的时光。)
This has led me to reminisce over an old handkerchief parcel of food coupons my mother left me.(在这个情绪的影响下,我也翻出了母亲留给我的包在手绢里的旧粮票。)
While Ballard and Smith reminisce warmly, some younger Australians are dismissive of any emotional ties to Britain.(当巴拉德和史密斯陶醉于往事之中时,一些年轻的澳大利亚拒绝承认任何与英国之间的感情纽带。)
Many people reminisce about their carefree days as a student.(许多人会忆起他们学生时代无忧无虑的生活。)
They run to greet him, hug him, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at expense of the people.(他们欢呼着跑向他,拥抱他,和他一起回忆以前那些用别人的汗水一步步致富的美好日子。)
Do you always reminisce about your first love?(你是否时常忆起你的初恋?)
reminisce是什么意思 reminisce在线翻译 reminisce什么意思 reminisce的意思 reminisce的翻译 reminisce的解释 reminisce的发音 reminisce的同义词