英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:14:32



英 [rɪˈni:g]

美 [rɪˈnɪɡ,-ˈnɛɡ,-ˈniɡ]


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名词: reneger 过去式: reneged 过去分词: reneged 现在分词: reneging 第三人称单数: reneges

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1. the mistake of not following suit when able to do so

Synonym: revoke


1. fail to fulfill a promise or obligation

e.g. She backed out of her promise

Synonym: renege onrenegue ongo back on

1. 食言;反悔
If someone reneges on a promise or an agreement, they do not do what they have promised or agreed to do.

e.g. If someone reneged on a deal, they could never trade here again.

1. 食言:若无契约法,人们在生产的过程中的机会主义行为,如食言(renege)、敲竹杠等问题,将会降低生产的效率. 因而我们可以说一部好的契约法是一部很好地解决了人们在签订契约过程中出现的外部性问题的法律. 若生产者创造的财富可以被其他的人或集团任意的剥夺和勒索,

2. 违约:21. out on a limb 孤立无援(尤指争论和意见上) | 22. renege 违约 | 23. squabble 争吵

3. 食言,毁约,背信弃义,否认,拒绝:Renegade:背教,变节,脱党者(的) | Renege:食言,毁约,背信弃义,否认,拒绝 | Relegate:降职,驱逐,委托

4. 背信,违约:renegade 叛教者,叛徒 | renege 背信,违约 | renounce 宣布放弃,抛弃

  • 经典引文

  • Such..rogues..Renege, affirm, and turn their halcyon beaks.

    出自:King Lear,Shakespeare
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Renege on one's promise.(违背诺言,破坏约定,食言。)
As a result, the structure of banking was seriously weakened, and in 1814 a run on Banks forced most to renege on their legal obligations to exchange notes for specie.(结果,银行业的结构严重削弱,而1814年的银行挤兑迫使大多数银行背弃自己的法定义务,拒绝将银行券兑换成金银。)
Don't borrow more money, in other words; renege... walk away... Be of good cheer, knowing that lenders will suffer the losses they deserve.(换句话说,不要再借贷更多的资金了。违约…然后走开…不要垂头丧气,坦然接受贷款人将承受应得损失这个事实。)
It says firmly that the EU must not renege on its promise.(报告非常坚定地声称欧盟一定不会食言。)
You will almost surely have to renege on some of these promises.(你却几乎必然将违背你的一些诺言。)
Should they (Germany) renege on that commitment, it would open the door to speculation of which member would next be thrown overboard.(一旦他们(德国)食言,则市场将开始拽测下一个被抛弃的成员是谁。)
The simplest two questions, answer immediately to 50, not renege.(最简单的两个问题,答对马上给50,绝不食言。)
Verbal offers 'mean you really have nothing to stand on because the employer can renege, ' he says.(他说,口头邀请意味着你实际上没什么可以依据,因为雇主可以反悔。)
It would be less dangerous to break into Gringotts than to renege on a promise to a goblin.(对一个妖精食言要比闯进古灵阁更危险。)
But the present, I could not but tenacious renege on a promise for oneself initial that.(可现在,我不得不为自己最初的那份固执而反悔了。)
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