英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [rɪˈpreʃn]

美 [rɪˈprɛʃən]


形容词: repressionist

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  • 抑制
  • 镇压
  • 压制
  • 约束
  • 【心】压抑(机制)
  • 克制
  • 阻遏
  • 阻遏作用
  • 阻遏现象
  • 受压抑物
  • [U]压抑;约束;抑制;镇压 the stopping of some action or feeling;oppression


1. the act of repressing
control by holding down

e.g. his goal was the repression of insolence

2. (psychiatry) the classical defense mechanism that protects you from impulses or ideas that would cause anxiety by preventing them from becoming conscious

3. a state of forcible subjugation

e.g. the long repression of Christian sects

1. 镇压;压制;控制
Repression is the use of force to restrict and control a society or other group of people.

e.g. ...a society conditioned by violence and repression.
e.g. ...the repressions of the 1930s.

2. (情感,尤指性欲的)压抑,控制
Repression of feelings, especially sexual ones, is a person's unwillingness to allow themselves to have natural feelings and desires.

e.g. ...the repression of his feelings about men.

1. repression的解释

1. 阻遏:3.诱导(induction)与阻遏(repression):可诱导基因在特定环境中表达增强的过程称为诱导. 可阻遏基因表达产物水平降低的过程称为阻遏. 25、分解代谢物基因激活蛋白(CAP)对乳糖操纵子表达的影响是( )6.答:1961年,

2. 潜抑作用:假使产生焦虑的行动,完全不为个人所知,则我们说产生潜抑作用(repression)了. 失意症(amnesia)是潜抑作用的例子之一. 有一个个案,发现一个男人漫游街道,他不知道自己的姓名,及来自何方. 透过催眠剂其他技术之后,我们能够重新组织它的历史,

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • Repression made him behave worse.
用作名词 (n.)
Harmony is too often achieved by the repression of dissenting views.(和谐也往往是通过对不同意见的压制实现的。)
What organs, including those of control and repression?(我们要什么样的机构,包括那些控制和压抑的机构?)
Life is expression, and repression is stagnation — death.(生命即是表现,压抑就是停滞——死亡。)
And as a victim of his repression, I can say reconciliation is the only solution.(而作为被他压制的受害者之一,我可以说和解才是唯一的解决途径。)
"Repression..." another snickered.(“压抑压抑啊…”又一个笑着说。)
Somewhere between this extreme repression of the monk and the license of the sensualist lies the truth.(在修道士的极端压抑与声色狗马者的放任之间的某个地方,掩藏着道理。)
Before long, repression is complete.(不久之后,压抑是完全的。)
Repression wasn't something to throw off, but a part of the human condition.(压抑是人类的一种生存境况,没人能够逃脱。)
But the history of repression still fuels pride in the soccer team.(不过,压抑的历史仍会激起球队的自豪感。)
This is repression. You’re ruining my youth, okay?(这是在施加压力,你们在毁我的青春年华,啊?)
repression是什么意思 repression在线翻译 repression什么意思 repression的意思 repression的翻译 repression的解释 repression的发音 repression的同义词