英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:48:18



英 [rɪˈstreɪn]

美 [rɪˈstren]


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形容词: restrainable 副词: restrainedly 名词: restrainer 过去式: restrained 过去分词: restrained 现在分词: restraining 第三人称单数: restrains

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  • 抑制
  • 阻止
  • 遏制
  • 约束
  • 管束
  • 拘束
  • 控制
  • 限制
  • 监禁
  • 压抑
  • 防止
  • 禁止
  • 羁押
  • 限定
  • 遏止
  • 拦住
  • 忍住
  • 克制
  • 制止
  • 管制
  • 束缚
  • 剥夺
  • vt. 抑制,遏制; 管制,克制,约束 hold back sb/sth from movement or action; keep sb/sth under control or in check


1. place limits on (extent or access)

e.g. restrict the use of this parking lot
limit the time you can spend with your friends

Synonym: restricttrammellimitboundconfinethrottle

2. hold back

Synonym: encumbercumberconstrain

3. to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement

e.g. This holds the local until the express passengers change trains
About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade
The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center
The terrorists held the journalists for ransom

Synonym: confinehold

4. to compel or deter by or as if by threats

Synonym: intimidate

5. keep under control
keep in check

e.g. suppress a smile
Keep your temper
keep your cool

Synonym: keepkeep backhold back

1. 制止;阻止
If you restrain someone, you stop them from doing what they intended or wanted to do, usually by using your physical strength.

e.g. Wally gripped my arm, partly to restrain me and partly to reassure me...
e.g. One onlooker had to be restrained by police.

2. 克制(情绪);抑制(自己)
If you restrain an emotion or you restrain yourself from doing something, you prevent yourself from showing that emotion or doing what you wanted or intended to do.

e.g. She was unable to restrain her desperate anger...
e.g. Unable to restrain herself, she rose and went to the phone...

3. 抑制;限制;控制
To restrain something that is growing or increasing means to prevent it from getting too large.

e.g. The radical 500-day plan was very clear on how it intended to try to restrain inflation...
e.g. In the 1970s, the government tried to restrain corruption.

1. restrain的翻译

1. 限制:共同发现易搞混(confound),共同做过为宽恕(condone),共同夹死为拥挤 (congest),共同给予为默许(connive) 大街上下雨为拉紧(strain),共同拉紧是束缚(constrain),拉紧少花是污点(stain),反复拉紧是 限制(restrain) 盖他为秘密(covert),

2. restrain是什么意思

2. 阻止:美国政策的目标是遏制(deter)北京采取军事行动,并且阻止(restrain)台北会挑起武力所使用的政治举动. 我们也寻求向中国保证,我们不会支持台湾,并且向台湾重申,我们尊重岛内的民主. 美国也持续向台湾出售防御性武器系统,

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  • 经典引文

    制止〔阻止,限制〕…做prevent sb or oneself by force or effort from sth or doing sth wrong
    restrain sb/oneself from sth/v-ing

    I had to restrain myself from telling him what I thought of him.


    The man lost his temper and had to be restrained from violence by neighbors who held his arms.


  • I must learn to restrain myself.
  • If you can't restrain your dog, you must lock it up.
  • I could not restrain my anger.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Grandfather had to be restrained from lifting the bags.

    出自:E. L. Doctorow
  • Aristotle..could hardly restrain himself from jumping up.

    出自:J. Heller
  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

restrain, restrict
  • 这两个词都有“限制,约束,管制”的意思。restrain的语气比较温和,有时指自我约束; restrict是指限制在一个界限或范围内。
    • ☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的restreindre,意为压制;最初源自拉丁语的restringere,意为约束。
    She had to restrain herself from crying out in pain.(她只得忍住疼痛,不哭出来。)
    It's true that stigma can restrain obesity rates.(的确,耻辱可以抑制肥胖率。)
    13 Third is to restrain competition through regulation.(第三类约束竞争的法门是通过法例管制。)
    The government is taking steps to restrain inflation.(政府正在采取措施控制通货膨胀。)
    They couldn't restrain their excitement.(他们无法抑制自己的激动。)
    If we want to restrain it, should we think an effective way?(如果要制止它的话,需要考虑是不是有行之有效的办法?)
    She can hardly restrain herself.(她几乎克制不住自己。)
    Restrain yourself from any action against the target of your anger.(面对使自己愤怒的对象,不要做任何行动;)
    We can restrain ourselves to save our satellites, and our ecosystem.(我们可以克制自己以拯救我们的卫星和我们的生态系统。)
    Some people believe that formal education tends to restrain students' minds and spirits rather than set them free.(有人认为正规教育往往遏制学生的思维和精神,而不是解放它们。)
    restrain是什么意思 restrain在线翻译 restrain什么意思 restrain的意思 restrain的翻译 restrain的解释 restrain的发音 restrain的同义词