英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:49:37



英 [ˈretɪsnt]

美 [ˈrɛtɪsənt]


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副词: reticently

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 沉默的
  • 无言的
  • 谨慎的
  • 有保留的
  • 抑制的
  • 含蓄的
  • 寡言少语的
  • 不愿与人交谈的
  • 讳莫如深的
  • 不轻易暴露思想或感情的
  • 言不尽意的
  • 谨严的


1. reluctant to draw attention to yourself

Synonym: self-effacingretiring

2. cool and formal in manner

Synonym: restrainedunemotional

3. temperamentally disinclined to talk

Synonym: untalkative

1. 沉默寡言的;不与人交谈的
Someone who is reticent does not tell people about things.


e.g. She is so reticent about her achievements...
e.g. Mrs. Smith, normally a reticent woman, took it upon herself to write to the President.

Pearl didn't mind his reticence; in fact she liked it.

1. 沈默寡言的:retard 阻碍 | reticent 沈默寡言的 | retire 退休; 告退,离去

2. reticent在线翻译

2. 沉默不语的:nakedness 赤裸裸的事实 | reticent 沉默不语的 | tolerant 忍受

3. 沉默的:reticency 沉默 | reticent 沉默的 | reticently 沉默寡言地

4. reticent

4. 沉默寡言的:take the measure of sb. 摸请某人的老底 | reticent 沉默寡言的 | measurement n. 度量衡

  • 经典引文

  • I was reticent, and she did not press me.

    出自:E. M. Forster
  • A splendid listener, sympathetic, reticent about himself.

    出自:J. Galsworthy
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

A senseless tragedy, it was called, and she was described as a reticent and prematurely aged survivor.(报纸上说这是一场无谓的悲剧,而她被说成是一名早熟而寡言的幸存者。)
If you are reticent to begin using namespaces, consider upgrading your ide and try out namespaces with a bit of help from your favorite ide.(如果您还不太愿意开始使用名称空间,可以考虑升级ide,在IDE的帮助下尝试使用名称空间。)
"She had been shy and reticent with me, and now... She was telling me aloud the secrets of her inmost heart" (W. H. Hudson).(“她以前和我在一起时很害羞,又沉默寡言,但是现在却大声地对我说出了她最内心的秘密”(w·h·哈德森)。)
Ask him about almost anything else in finance and he is far less reticent.(无论问他关于金融的任何事,他的回答都留有余地。)
Although Lee has become something of a hero since publicizing his involvement with the Open Kinect contest, he is reticent.(尽管自从李公开他在开源Kinect竞赛的参与,他成为了某种意义上的英雄,他依旧沉默如初。)
I am very British in that I'm reticent.(沉默寡言是我非常英国化的一面。)
Replace through the way that reticent between us?(我们之间真的就用沉默来取代了?)
He is reticent at first, saying that it is just for our protection but then says there is a lot of poverty and tension in the town.(警察起先很谨慎,说只是为了保护我们,后来他又说,城里贫困现象严重,气氛很紧张。)
Her mother, always reticent about the tragedy, died in 1975 at age 95.(她的母亲于1975年去世,享年95岁,一生都对这件悲惨的时候保持沉默。)
Just how much can a polite and reticent people withstand? That is the test for modern China.(现在的问题是,儒雅而沉默的中国人能对此容忍多少,这是对当代中国的一个考验。)
reticent是什么意思 reticent在线翻译 reticent什么意思 reticent的意思 reticent的翻译 reticent的解释 reticent的发音 reticent的同义词