英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:22:15



英 [rɪˈtrentʃ]

美 [rɪˈtrɛntʃ]


名词: retrencher 过去式: retrenched 过去分词: retrenched 现在分词: retrenching 第三人称单数: retrenches

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1. make a reduction, as in one's workforce

e.g. The company had to retrench

2. tighten one's belt
use resources carefully

1. 紧缩开支;削减费用
If a person or organization retrenches, they spend less money.


e.g. Shortly afterwards, cuts in defence spending forced the aerospace industry to retrench.

1. 节省,减少:retreat 撤退,撤退 | retrench 节省,减少 | retribution 报应,报复

2. 减少,节约:16 simmer 炖,煨 | 17 retrench 减少,节约 | 18 discredit 使失去权威性,破坏名誉的

3. 节省:trepidation 颤抖 | retrench 节省 | stench 臭气

4. 紧缩:retree 劣等纸 | retrench 紧缩 | retrenchment 节省

  • 经典引文

  • To retrench..was now the object; money went..farther at home.

    出自:E. Bowen
Demand for credit is lower, as companies and consumers retrench.(由于企业和消费者缩紧支出,信贷的需求降低了。)
As business is bad these days, we have to retrench.(由于最近生意不景气,我们不得不紧缩开支。)
In order to retrench the geosteering drilling cost, a MWD GAMMA geosteering drilling technology suited for Zhongyuan Oilfield was put forward based on the geologic information obtained in old oildom.(为了有效节约地质导向钻井成本,中原油田在老油区水平井施工中结合已有的地质资料,总结出了一套适合中原油田的MWDGAMMA地质导向的水平井钻井技术;)
When companies retrench, they say, What do customers come to us for?(当公司裁员的时候,他们会考虑:为什么客户会光顾我们?)
Unlike Canada, Mexico's banking system is largely foreign-owned; credit was squeezed a year ago when head offices ordered their subsidiaries abroad to retrench.(与加拿大不同的是,墨西哥的银行系统很大一部分是外资企业。)
The effect of Honey: make the skin smooth , delicate, reduce the wrinkles, retrench the face , remove the spots, moisturizing .(蜂蜜功效:使皮肤光洁,细嫩,减少皱纹,紧缩面部皮肤,去斑,保湿。)
Wall Street firms, which often retrench in downturns, have been nudged down the rankings.(往往在衰退时紧缩业务的华尔街公司已经处于排名的末尾。)
Retrench HR cost, improve efficiency.(人事精简,提高效能。)
Is the credit crunch forcing firms to retrench directly?(信贷紧缩会直接迫使这些公司节衣缩食吗?)
Leadership changes at other Banks coincide with big questions about their future strategy: will UniCredit retrench?(对于其他银行而言,伴随着高层更迭的都是关于银行未来战略的大问题:意大利联合信贷要消减支出吗?)
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