英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:23:42



英 [rɪˈvaɪvl]

美 [rɪˈvaɪvəl]



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  • 【宗】信仰复兴
  • 【律】重新生效
  • 【戏】重新上演
  • 再生
  • 再流行
  • 苏醒
  • 重演
  • 重振
  • 信仰复兴布道会
  • 更生
  • 文艺复兴
  • 复活
  • 死灰复燃
  • 中兴
  • 东山再起
  • 进步


1. bringing again into activity and prominence

e.g. the revival of trade
a revival of a neglected play by Moliere
the Gothic revival in architecture

Synonym: resurgencerevitalizationrevitalisationrevivification

2. an evangelistic meeting intended to reawaken interest in religion

Synonym: revival meeting

1. 复苏;复兴;恢复;再次流行
When there is a revival of something, it becomes active or popular again.

e.g. This return to realism has produced a revival of interest in a number of artists...
e.g. There is little chance of a revival in new car sales until at least August next year.

2. (戏剧、歌剧或芭蕾等的)重新上演
A revival is a new production of a play, an opera, or a ballet.


e.g. ...John Clement's revival of Chekhov's 'The Seagull'.

3. (复兴基督教信仰的)奋兴布道会
A revival meeting is a public religious event that is intended to make people more interested in Christianity.

e.g. He toured South Africa organizing revival meetings.

1. revival

1. 复苏:并提出经济循环分为四个阶段的主张,即扩张(expansions)、衰退(recession)、紧缩(contraction)及复苏(revival)等阶段,这四个阶段循环发展、重复出现,但不具固定周期.

2. 復活:传奇式音乐制作人汤姆.道得(Tom Dowd)也前来相助,创作出福音歌曲<>(Revival)、大卖歌曲<>(Midnight Rider)、灵魂抚慰曲<>Please Call Home,

  • 经典引文

  • The modern revival of extempore preaching.

    出自:J. T. Micklethwaite
  • There had been a revival of drama at the school.

    出自:N. Sherry
Jazz is enjoying a revival.(爵士音乐再度盛行。)
In fact, the revival of Byzantine learning may itself have influenced the subsequent economic and military expansion.(事实上,拜占庭学习的复兴本身可能影响了后来的经济和军事扩张。)
But luckily there was a revival of the early techniques in the mid-1800s and artists went back to creating colored glass and using the lead strips in their designs.(但幸运的是,早期的工艺在19世纪中期得以复兴;艺术家们重新开始在设计中使用有色玻璃和铅条。)
Spring will see a traditional revival in all unions.(按照传统,春天是万物复苏的时节。)
But the Jewish revival is still fragile.(不过,犹太人的复兴仍然脆弱。)
There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival.(有了鼓舞人心的艺术复兴的迹象。)
Was the revival in their fortunes entirely due to strategic innovation?(他们命运的逆转是否完全归功于战略创新?)
The revival or passage of state laws limiting the daily or weekly work hours of women conveniently accomplished this.(恢复或通过限制女性每日或每周工时的州法,很方便地实现了这一点。)
Why this pawn revival?(典当业何以复苏?)
The "modernization theory", which centers on the Lipset thesis, went through three stages: rise, decline, and revival.(以利普塞特论文为中心的“现代化理论”经历了三个阶段:上升,下降和复兴。)
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