The code can be used within the Rhapsody model and compiled and linked into your Rhapsody project.(代码可以在Rhapsody模型中使用、汇编以及连接到Rhapsody项目中。)
Rational Rhapsody 7.5.2 assists with the development of multicore products by providing.(RationalRhapsodyV7.5.2通过提供以下的功能可以帮助开发多核的产品。)
This feature is available for Rational Rhapsody version and later versions.(这种特性可以在RationalRhapsody版本7.4.0.1以及后续版本中使用。)
Rational Rhapsody 7.5 supports refactoring by renaming model elements.(RationalRhapsody7.5通过重命名模型元素来支持重构。)
Last year, Rhapsody did an experiment in elastic demand that suggested it could be a lot more.(去年Rhapsody进行了一次有关需求弹性的试验。)
Japanese version of the Rhapsody environment.(Rhapsody环境的日语版本。)
Launch Rhapsody by opening the following example that is provided with the product.(通过打开提供有以下产品的范例来启动rhapsody。)
No. 2: Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 in C-sharp minor, by Franz liszt.(第二:《C小调匈牙利狂想曲》出自弗兰兹·李斯特。)
Rhapsody has tried the tactic before, offering two-week and 60-day free trials.(此前,Rhapsody也曾尝试过这种策略,向用户提供两周以及60天的免费试用期。)
Rhapsody USES this information to prevent errors during configuration management operations.(Rhapsody使用这些信息来预防配置管理操作期间出现的错误。)
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