英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 21:02:34



英 [ˈraʊdi]

美 [ˈraʊdi]


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副词: rowdily 比较级: rowdier 最高级: rowdiest 名词: rowdiness 名词复数: rowdies

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  • 粗暴的
  • 喧闹的
  • 凶暴的
  • 粗野的
  • 调皮捣蛋的
  • 好争吵的
  • 无赖
  • 粗暴的人
  • 好吵闹的人
  • 凶暴的人
  • 流氓
  • 罗迪(音译名)
  • 以粗暴的方式对待


1. a cruel and brutal fellow

Synonym: bullytoughhooliganruffianroughneckyobyoboyobbo


1. disturbing the public peace
loud and rough

e.g. a raucous party
rowdy teenagers

Synonym: raucous

1. 吵闹的;粗野的;惹是生非的
When people are rowdy, they are noisy, rough, and likely to cause trouble.

e.g. He has complained to the police about rowdy neighbours...
e.g. There were rowdy scenes inside parliament during the debate.

...adolescent behaviour like vandalism and rowdiness.

2. 粗野的人;吵闹的人
If you describe people as rowdies, you mean that they are noisy, rough, and likely to cause trouble.

e.g. ...a bar in New York where the owner kept a baseball bat to deal with rowdies.

1. rowdy

1. 布面不匀:uneven cover 布面不匀 | rowdy布面不匀 | wavy face 波浪形布面

2. 吵闹的人:rowboat 划艇 | rowdy 吵闹的人 | rowdydowdy 吵闹的

3. 好吵闹的人:rowdrill 中耕作物条播机 | rowdy 好吵闹的人 | rowdyish 好吵架的

4. rowdy什么意思

4. 狂野的:turning blue 变得沮丧 | rowdy 狂野的 | have ideas about /have opinions about 持有...想法观点

  • 经典引文

  • This..rowdy..serving time for gambling and battery.

    出自:K. Kesey
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Late at night, when crowds of rowdy proles roamed the streets, the town had a curiously febrile air.(到半夜,大群粗暴的无产者在街头闲荡,整个城市癫狂躁动,奇怪兮兮。)
It was variously used as a hotel, beach cottage, private mansion and last, a tavern, but rowdy patrons almost destroyed her.(开始它的用途广泛,作为旅店,海边小木屋,私人府邸。最后变成酒店,但喧闹的顾客几乎毁了她。)
The bar I worked was a pretty rowdy country bar so nightly fights and parking lot brawls were common.(我所在的那个酒吧是个非常粗暴吵闹的乡间酒吧,所以夜里碰上个打架,或者停车场的争吵那简直是司空见惯。)
Back at the party for Mr. Kwong and Ms. Tse, the hostess was leading guests through a rowdy game involving balloons.(回到邝先生和谢女士的聚会上,餐厅接待员带着宾客嘻嘻闹闹地玩一个气球游戏。)
Stepping confidently into the rowdy classroom, he opened the window as wide as possible.(他信心十足地走进乱哄哄的教室,把窗子尽可能开得大些。)
A rowdy cousin . . . an Eeyore T-shirt . . . a dog-shaped balloon.(一个吵闹的表兄弟或姐妹……一件印有Eeyore的T恤……一个小狗形状的气球。)
The teacher made the rowdy class quiet down .(老师使这吵闹的班级安静了下来。)
Visiting a couple of Nuuk's smoky bars nothing more rowdy or aggressive is on show than one might find in London on a Friday evening.(走访努克的几个烟吧,你可以发现,这并不比周五晚上的伦敦更粗暴,更好斗。)
Joshua: : Are you crazy? Are you rewarding those rowdy troublemakers with cookies?!(约书亚说:你疯了吗?你是奖励那些吵闹的麻烦制造者饼干吗?!)
Russia: Russia nears the top of the list when it comes to rude and rowdy behavior abroad.(俄罗斯:当谈到在国外粗鲁和粗暴的行为,俄罗斯高居榜首。)
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