英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 17:21:32



英 [ˈru:mɪneɪt]

美 [ˈruməˌnet]


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形容词: ruminative 副词: ruminatively 名词: ruminator 过去式: ruminated 过去分词: ruminated 现在分词: ruminating 第三人称单数: ruminates

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1. reflect deeply on a subject

e.g. I mulled over the events of the afternoon
philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years
The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate

Synonym: chew overthink overmeditateponderexcogitatecontemplatemusereflectmullmull overspeculate

2. chew the cuds

e.g. cows ruminate

1. 沉思;琢磨;认真考虑
If you ruminate on something, you think about it very carefully.

e.g. He ruminated on the terrible wastage that typified American life...
e.g. Obsessional personalities commonly ruminate excessively about death.

2. (动物)反刍
When animals ruminate, they bring food back from their stomach into their mouth and chew it again.

e.g. He wanted to have a look at the two oxen, both ruminating without raising their eyes.

1. ruminate

1. 反刍, 沉思:pillage 掠夺 | ruminate 反刍, 沉思 | rudimentary 根本的, 未发展的

2. 沉思:erudite博学的 | ruminate沉思 | -rumi(入迷)

3. ruminate的近义词

3. 沈思:ruffle#使皱 | ruminate#沈思 | saddle#使负担

  • 经典引文

  • They found Cassidy..ruminating over a glass of beer.

    出自:J. Symons
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

When asked to estimate the temperature of the room, people assigned to ruminate about rejection said 71 degrees - about 5 degrees lower than temperatures given by the second group.(随后要求被试估计房间的温度。分配到回忆被拒绝的被试的估计约为71华氏度(约为22摄氏度)——这比第二组被试的估计低5度。)
I can graze, ruminate, and work over my cud, inharmony with nature, and get milked gently on schedule by WandaPudnick's Kiehl 's-moisturized hands.(我可以吃草、深思、反刍,与自然同为一体。定期让旺达·普德尼克那抹了契尔氏润肤霜的手温柔地从我这里挤出奶来。)
People who tend to ruminate often reevaluate their actions, especially in situations they deem embarrassing, disappointing, or involving argument or conflict.(喜欢反复思考的人通常会不断重新评估自己的行为,特别是那些让他们感到尴尬、沮丧或者包含争论、冲突的行为。)
Don't over-generalise (' I can never hold down a relationship '), jump to conclusions (' I'll never finish this job ') or ruminate endlessly.(不要过分概括(比如想“我永远都控制不好这种关系”),不要妄下定论(比如想“这工作永远都做不完”),也不要总是不停地思考某件事。)
The researchers say they're still unsure of the effects of extreme music over longer periods of time, and they didn't measure factors like personality and the "tendency to ruminate."(研究人员说他们仍不确定极端音乐有什么更长期的影响,而且他们并没有考虑个性和“有沉思爱好”等因素。)
These conclusions cause to recognize of the play function, and benefit to ruminate over the practice activities of the child play.(这些结论引发了对游戏功能的再认识,同时也有利于对儿童游戏实践活动进行一系列的反思。)
I'm certainly not the one who is going to make up a standard manifesto for those of us who consider ourselves greenies, but I think I'd like to ruminate on it a while.(我当然不是要站出来给那些自认为是环保分子的人追加一个什么标准声明,我只是想在这个问题上独自琢磨一会儿。)
Men of perfect practice bend themselves to improve the level of spirit. They don't work but practice Zen, sit in meditation, ruminate and practice Yoga, never being idle.(修行完备的人,他们致力于精神层面的提升,他们没有工作,可是整天禅修、打坐、默想、瑜伽也没闲着。)
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