英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-20 00:51:45
  • 网络解释

1. 合计为;高达:run short of...短缺(某物) | run up to...合计为;高达 | run a risk冒险


2. 跑到:run up against 偶遇 | run up to 跑到 | run up 向上跑


3. 跑到,(物价)高涨到:run through 跑着穿过,贯穿,浏览 | run up to 跑到,(物价)高涨到---- | see off 给-----送行

4. 跑到......;把......积累到:run up against意外地碰到困难、遇到某人 | run up to跑到......;把......积累到...... | secure...against掩护、保护......以便

But squabbling between its factions is intensifying in the run-up to the local elections.(但是它内部各派系之间的争论随着地方选举的开始加剧了。)
In the run up to the talks, four Israeli settlers were shot dead and two injured in two separate incidents in the West Bank.(在此次和平谈判前夕,四名以色列居民在西岸被枪杀,另有两人在另一起事故中受伤。)
Perhaps one can forgive the repetition because the views of people like Mr Das were consistently ignored in the run-up to the debt crisis.(也许人们能体谅内容的重复,因为在次债危机的前奏打响之时,像达斯先生这种人的观点是一贯被忽略的。)
The polls released in the run-up to the anniversary were damning.(在接近就职一周年时进行的民意调查非常糟糕。)
Supermarkets everywhere reported excellent trading in the run-up to Christmas.(各地超级市场报告说圣诞节前生意火爆。)
The team discovered that brain temperature spikes in the run-up to a yawn, then starts to decline, and finally falls rapidly to pre-yawn temperature.(他们发现,马上要打哈欠的那一刻,脑部温度达到峰值,然后就开始下降,最后快速降到打哈欠以前的温度。)
But among India's commentariat, the lack of enthusiasm in the run-up to the president's visit is palpable.(但据印度国内的评论人士认为,印度对奥巴马来访明显缺乏热情。)
Unfortunately, professional versions can run up to $1, 500.(不幸的是,专业的摄影机稳定支架售价高达1500美元。)
The run-up to the first televised clash increases the tempo of a campaign that is already breaking all records.(首次电视对决进入准备阶段,竞选的节奏开始加快,并且已经开始打破所有的记录。)
Imagine you are a famous movie star or a well known sports player, what do you do when your fans run up to you?(想象你是一个著名的电影明星或著名的体育运动员,当你的粉丝跑向你时,你会做什么?)
run up to是什么意思 run up to在线翻译 run up to什么意思 run up to的意思 run up to的翻译 run up to的解释 run up to的发音 run up to的同义词