英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:34:07



英 [ˈrʌsti]

美 [ˈrʌsti]


副词: rustily 比较级: rustier 最高级: rustiest 名词: rustiness

  • 详情解释

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  • 生锈的,上锈的,有锈斑的
  • 荒疏的
  • 褪了色的
  • 变迟钝的
  • 患锈病的
  • 荒废的
  • 铁锈色的,锈色的,赭色的
  • 破旧的,过时的
  • 操作不灵活的
  • 生硬的
  • 腐蚀了的,有腐烂臭味的
  • 开始腐烂的


1. of the brown color of rust

Synonym: rustrust-brown

2. ancient

e.g. hoary jokes

Synonym: hoary

3. covered with or consisting of rust

e.g. a rusty machine
rusty deposits

4. impaired in skill by neglect

Synonym: out of practice(p)

1. 生锈的
A rusty metal object such as a car or a machine is covered with rust, which is a brown substance that forms on iron or steel when it comes into contact with water.

e.g. We spent years travelling around in a rusty old van.
e.g. ...a rusty iron gate.

2. (技术、知识等)荒废的,生疏的
If a skill that you have or your knowledge of something is rusty, it is not as good as it used to be, because you have not used it for a long time.


e.g. ...skills which have gone rusty since the previous winter...
e.g. You may be a little rusty, but past experience and teaching skills won't have been lost.

3. 铁锈色的;赭色的;深褐色的
Rusty is sometimes used to describe things that are reddish-brown in colour.

e.g. Her hair was rusty brown.

1. 生锈的:等级3以上dex+1 E级释放卷轴 生锈的(Rusty) 暴击减少2% 锋利的(Sharp) 等级12以上暴击增加2% 猎狐者(Fox Hunters) 等级3以上最大伤害增加2-4 薄雾的(Mist) 靴子 等级25以上生命力增加8,


2. 锈的:等级3以上最大生命力增加1猎狗者(Hyena Hunter's) 最大伤害减少2-4浣熊(Raccoon) 等级3以上最大生命减少3,等级3以上dex 1生锈的(Rusty) 暴击减少2%锋利的(Sharp) 等级12以上暴击增加2%猎狐者(Fox Hunter's) 等级3以上最大伤害增加2-4薄雾的(Mist) 靴子 等级25以上生命力增加8,

3. rusty

3. 锈:(其实我是从我十岁前养的那只叫铁锈(Rusty)的狗身上,第一次领悟到这个道理,第一次发现动物种种令人惊叹的能力. )动物跟我们唯一不一样的是,它们无法像我们那样用复杂的语言文字来沟通. 我相信,也正是因为这一点,

4. 生锈:暴露于户外之沿线号志设备其材质及设计须考量台湾特殊气象作必要之修改,并须防止腐蚀(Corrosion)、生锈(Rusty)、漏水(Water leak)及积水(accumulated water).

  • 经典引文

  • The rusty eyesores of scrapyards.

    出自:N. Calder
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I'm a little rusty on it.(歌词我有些生疏了。)
Many temp agencies offer word processing courses to those with rusty office skills.(许多临时工中介机构为那些办公技能不熟练的人开设文字处理课程。)
It was over this jagged, rusty territory that the moon now loomed.(月亮现在就在这片参差不齐、锈迹斑斑的土地上隐隐出现。)
I'm a little rusty on them.(我对它们有点生疏了。)
After the meal, they felt rusty, and stiff-jointed, and a little homesick once more.(饭后,他们感到浑身生疏,关节僵硬,又有点想家了。)
The rusty hinges grated as the gate swung back.(大门荡了回去,生锈的铰链发出嘎吱嘎吱的刺耳声。)
The vehicles are without exception old, rusty and dented.(这些车辆无一例外地破旧、锈迹斑斑且有撞痕。)
Rusty and empty beer cans lay about and some broken glass bottles made me mad.(到处躺着生锈的、空的啤酒罐和破碎的玻璃瓶子让我很抓狂。)
These substances leak from the rusty barrels and pollute the soil.(这些物质从生锈的桶中渗出,然后污染了土壤。)
The bike is rusty but usable.(自行车生锈了,但还能骑。)
rusty是什么意思 rusty在线翻译 rusty什么意思 rusty的意思 rusty的翻译 rusty的解释 rusty的发音 rusty的同义词