英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 19:49:13



英 [ˈskæfəʊld]

美 [ˈskæfoʊld]


过去式: scaffolded 过去分词: scaffolded 现在分词: scaffolding 第三人称单数: scaffolds

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  • 断头台;绞刑架
  • 支架
  • 【建】鹰架
  • 临时搭起的台架,台架
  • 临时舞台,露天舞台
  • 【建】脚手架
  • 陈列台,展览台
  • 看台
  • 死刑
  • 【解】骨骼,骨架,尸架
  • 建筑架
  • 用支架支撑
  • 给...搭鹰架
  • 搭脚手架于
  • 使站在脚手架上
  • 把...绞死,把...处死刑
  • 搭脚手架子
  • 搭台


1. a temporary arrangement erected around a building for convenience of workers

2. a platform from which criminals are executed (hanged or beheaded)



1. provide with a scaffold for support

e.g. scaffold the building before painting it

1. 断头台;绞刑架
A scaffold was a raised platform on which criminals were hanged or had their heads cut off.

e.g. Moore ascended the scaffold and addressed the executioner.

2. 脚手架;建筑架;鹰架
A scaffold is a temporary raised platform on which workers stand to paint, repair, or build high parts of a building.


1. 台架:以模板作为台架(scaffold)基础,对目标序列(target sequence)进行建模,其步骤是:选择模板,目标与模板的联配,建立模型,评估,循环重复,直到得到一个满意的模型为止.

  • 经典引文

  • His destination is more likely to be Broadmoor than the scaffold.

    出自:Conan Doyle
  • New Titles may be Scaffolded with Laws.

    出自:C. Blount
Although this scaffold has a 'standard' UI, it lets you try all CRUD operations on your tables.(尽管这个脚手架有一个“标准的”UI,它可以让您在数据表上进行所有的CRUD操作。)
They were standing on top of a giant scaffold.(他们站在一个巨大的脚手架顶上。)
All scaffold should be marked by blue marker before block final inspection, and the marker should be round and easily found.(大厦最终检查之前,所有的脚手架应该用蓝色记号标出,记号应呈圆形且易于发现。)
Two days later, they coat the inside of the scaffold with urothelial cells.(两天后,他们把泌尿细胞涂在支架里面。)
The Purdue scaffold looks like a very interesting approach—it's certainly an advance—but until it's been tested in vivo, it's difficult to comment further.(普渡的支架看起来是个非常有趣的方法——这肯定是一个进步——但是,在进行体内测试之前,很难进一步评判。)
During all this time, Hester stood, statue-like, at the foot of the scaffold.(在整个这段时间,海丝特都如泥塑木雕般地僵立在刑台脚下。)
Then, down he sank upon the scaffold!(随后,他就瘫倒在刑台上了!)
The scaffold generator has several significant limitations.(scaffold生成器有几个重要的限制。)
Run ruby script/generate scaffold subject to generate a scaffold for SUBJECTS table.(运行rubyscript/generatescaffoldsubject,为SUBJECTS表生成scaffold。)
Each controller scaffold can have its own individual ActiveScaffold configuration.(每个控件scaffold都可以使用自己特有的ActiveScaffold配置。)
scaffold是什么意思 scaffold在线翻译 scaffold什么意思 scaffold的意思 scaffold的翻译 scaffold的解释 scaffold的发音 scaffold的同义词