英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:40:48


英 [ˈskɔ:ldɪŋ]

美 [ˈskɔldɪŋ]


副词: scaldingly

  • 词典解释

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1. 滚烫的;灼热的
Scalding or scalding hot liquids are extremely hot.

e.g. I tried to sip the tea but it was scalding.
e.g. ...scalding hot water.

1. 烫伤:汽所引起的组织损伤,称为烫伤(scalding)或汤泼伤.睡"(electric lethargy)电流引起呼吸麻痹后,心跳和呼吸1.电流斑(electric mark)电流印记,电流入口.由于1.雷电击纹(lightning mark)雷电通过的皮肤上遗留下红

2. 白灼:烘baking | 蒸steaming | 白灼scalding

3. 滚烫的:scaldfish 灯笼 | scalding 滚烫的 | scaldingteass 辛酸泪

4. scalding什么意思

4. 煮沸消毒:scaldedfodder煮沸饲料 | scalding煮沸消毒 | scale介壳虫

  • 经典引文

  • I stared at..Paris,..under the scalding sun.

    出自:J. Baldwin
  • Tea was brought to us scalding in white cups.

    出自:M. Oliver
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The out-of-control John who tied her up in a motel bathtub and filled it with scalding water.(失控的john把她绑在汽车旅馆装满滚烫热水的浴缸里。)
The relationship between macrophage dysfunction and signal conduction after scalding is unclear at present.(烧伤后巨噬细胞功能紊乱与信号转导的关系目前尚不清楚。)
After that, we have been scalding hot embrace of the skin together.(事后,我们烫烫的肌肤一直拥抱在一起。)
But recently, like on the hot food and drinks, like that into the stomach after scalding hot that warm feeling very comfortable.(可是近来,喜欢上了热热的食物和热饮,喜欢那种沉入肠胃后那种暖暖烫烫的感觉,很舒服。)
Up in the morning at seven to scrub the step and their own little section of pavement with scalding water, before she went to work.(每天早上七点起床,之后即用热水擦洗台阶及家里的一小段甬路,之后上班。)
The colors of Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone come from thermophiles: microbes that thrive in scalding water.(黄石公园的大棱镜温泉受到嗜热微生物的影响而变得色彩斑斓:这些嗜热菌在滚烫的泉水中能够蓬勃生长。)
Cold here is not cold in the Arctic sense; rather the opposite of scalding hot.(这里的“冷”并非像北极那么冷,而有点像滚烫的热的相反词。)
When this book isn’t scalding, it is cold; it spits out data like a computer.(这本书不是滚烫的,而是冰冷的;它像电脑一样吐出数据”。)
During use please don't touch the top of metal products, to prevent scalding.(在使用过程中请不要触摸金属部分,以防烫伤。)
May your eyes never shed such stormy, scalding, heart wrung tears as poured from mine.(但愿你的眼睛永远不象我的眼睛这样,淌出暴雨般的烫人的、揪心的泪水。)
scalding是什么意思 scalding在线翻译 scalding什么意思 scalding的意思 scalding的翻译 scalding的解释 scalding的发音 scalding的同义词