1. a radio receiver that moves automatically across some selected range of frequencies looking for some signal or condition
e.g. they used scanners to monitor police radio channels
Synonym: electronic scanner
2. a radar dish that rotates or oscillates in order to scan a broad area
3. an electronic device that generates a digital representation of an image for data input to a computer
Synonym: digital scannerimage scanner
4. someone who scans verse to determine the number and prosodic value of the syllables
1. 扫描设备;扫描仪;扫描器
A scanner is a machine which is used to examine, identify, or record things, for example by using a beam of light, sound, or X-rays.
e.g. ...brain scanners.
e.g. ...a security scanner that can see through clothes.
2. (用来将图片或文件复制到电脑上的)扫描仪
A scanner is a piece of computer equipment that you use for copying a picture or document onto a computer.
1. 扫描器:CLI 无论要做高画质电(五)PC 扫描器(Scanner)PC 扫描器将来一定是与复印机(Copy Ma-chine )、传真机 (FaxMachine)、印表机(Printer)合在一起. 这是属于PC 周边的东西. 通讯公有线通线与无线通讯(Wireless)二种,
2. 扫描:Xsice是将双向电泳分离出的蛋白质,在进行MALDI-TOF-MS分析之前,所需的三项功能,扫描(Scanner),凝胶切割(Gel Exciser)和液体处理(Liquid Handler)集于一体.
3. 扫描机:不过Gargini表示,从目前半导体制造中使用的步进机(Stepper)演变为扫描机(Scanner)曝光技术来看,还无法适应0.1微米以下制造工艺,因此Intel、AMD、摩托罗拉、Infineon与Micron等5家公司共同合作开发EUVL,并在3个国家级实验室研发,
The..philosopher, the scanner of whate'er lies hidden in..the human heart.
出自:F. MahonyThe dipper into magazines, the desultory scanner of newsprint.
出自:B. Vine