英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:48:07



英 [ˈsi:wi:d]

美 [ˈsiˌwid]



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  • 海草
  • 海藻
  • 淡水海草
  • 淡水藻


1. plant growing in the sea, especially marine algae

1. 海草;海藻
Seaweed is a plant that grows in the sea. There are many kinds of seaweed.

e.g. ...seaweed washed up on a beach.

1. 海藻:[编辑本段]海藻(seaweed)简介 海产藻类的统称,通常固著于海底或某种固体结构上,如︰绿藻、红藻和褐藻. 其根状固著器只有固著功能,而不能吸收营养. 海藻在浅水中常密生成片. 在水深50公尺(约165呎)以内的岸边形成明显区带.


2. 紫菜:佢d 头发发质仲好靓tim, 佢话佢成日食紫菜(seaweed)有关佢d 头发发质仲好靓tim, 佢话佢成日食紫菜(seaweed)有关

3. 海藻系列:海藻系列:(Seaweed)适合混合偏油皮肤1 美白洁面粉,这个在专柜经常断货,不知为啥,去了几次都没看到. 据说一瓶能用好久~(广告~含苏俄甘草萃取、维他命C衍生物(MAP)及高岭土等成份,泡沫细致,能彻底清洁毛孔污垢及多余油脂,

The underside of the rock was covered with seaweed.(岩石下面布满了海藻。)
This is a close-up of a living red seaweed specimen (Martensia sp).(这是活着的红色海藻(马滕斯藻)标本的特写镜头。)
Animal furs, grasses, and seaweed were used as carpeting and bedding.(动物毛皮、草皮及海藻被用于铺设地面和床铺。)
In many places, like Japan, people get iodine from seafood, seaweed, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil or animals that eat grass grown in that soil.(像日本等许多地方,人们通过食用海鲜、海藻得到碘,以及从生长在高碘土壤里的蔬菜中获取碘,或者从吃那种土壤中生长的草的动物中获取碘。)
The towers will stick out of the water and be lit, to warn shipping, and also be designed to be lifted out of the water for maintenance and to clean seaweed from the blades.(这些塔会升出水面并且亮灯,用以警示船只避让,同时也能够完全升到水面以上,以方便维修螺旋桨和清理叶片上的水草。)
Still hesitating about having some seaweed for breakfast?(你还在犹豫早饭该不该吃海草吗?)
And if you want to digest seaweed, it helps to have the right enzymes.(如果你想消化紫菜,正确的酶会祝你一臂之力。)
It is impossible to body surf without getting seaweed tangled up in it.(不可能在去身体冲浪时不缠到海草。)
The skin helps the dragon look like a piece of seaweed.(龙的皮肤使它看起来像一片海藻。)
One plan to accomplish this is to establish giant floating seaweed farms in the oceans.(实现这一目标的一个计划是在海洋中建立巨大的漂浮海藻养殖场。)
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