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英 [ˈsɒljəbl]

美 [ˈsɑ:ljəbl]


副词: solubly 名词: solubleness

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  • 可溶的
  • 可以解决的
  • 可以解释的
  • 易溶解的
  • 【数】可解的
  • (水)溶性的
  • 溶解度的
  • 容易解决的
  • 可乳化的
  • 可溶的,易溶解的 that can be dissolved in a liquid
  • 可以解决的,可以解释的 that can be solved


1. (of a substance) capable of being dissolved in some solvent (usually water)

2. susceptible of solution or of being solved or explained

e.g. the puzzle is soluble

1. 可溶解的
A substance that is soluble will dissolve in a liquid.

e.g. Uranium is soluble in sea water.

2. 水溶性的/脂溶性的
If something is water-soluble or fat-soluble, it will dissolve in water or in fat.

e.g. The red dye on the leather is water-soluble.
e.g. ...fat-soluble vitamins.

1. 可溶解的:比较而言,金涂层表面是可溶解的(soluble),这意味着金完全溶解在焊剂里,金属间化合物在裸露的底层形成. 金涂层实质是保护了底层的可焊性. 钯在熔剂里溶解则慢得多,焊剂的结合通常是与钯形成.
焊剂(solder coatings)在保持其可焊性方面更加有效,

2. 可溶解:胺基酸(amino acid)是组成蛋白质的基本单元, 其基本化学式为离子化合物於水中可依其溶解度(solubility)大小分为可溶解(soluble)及不可溶解(insoluble).

3. 可溶性:急性中水银毒通常因为意外或自杀吞入可溶性 (soluble) 汞盐如氯化汞 (mercury chloride) 所致. 水银会在消化道内引起严重发炎,通常在几小时内即发生腹痛性痉挛,并伴以恶心、呕吐和大便出血. 水银被人体内脏吸收后在肾脏浓缩,

4. soluble

4. 可溶的:solubility 溶度 | soluble 可溶的 | soluble ore 可溶性矿石

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Sugar is soluble in water.
  • Do you think the problem is soluble?
  • I gave her some soluble aspirin and left.

    出自:E. Ambler
But alcohol dissolves both fat-soluble compounds and water-soluble compounds.(但是酒精可以溶解脂溶性化合物和水溶性化合物。)
It occurs as a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.(本品(炎痛息康)为白色至类白色结晶固体,难溶于水、稀酸及大多数有机溶剂中。)
Polymeric distribution of soluble trimethylsilylation (TMS) derivatives is separated.(分离可溶性三甲基硅烷化(TMS)的衍生物的聚合分布。)
These fats served as a vehicle for nutrients, by promoting absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.(这些脂肪物质可以促进可溶性维生素的吸收,成为营养的获取途径。)
They are high in soluble and insoluble fiber and are rich in vitamins and minerals.(它含有丰富的可溶性和不可溶性纤维,还有维生素和矿物质。)
"Vitamin C is water soluble," explains Denny.(“维生素c是水溶性的,”丹尼解释说。)
Again, the bonds soluble in water.(不过,离子键在水中可溶。)
Lycopene is fat soluble and must be consumed with a certain amount of fat to be absorbed by the body.(番茄红素是脂溶性的,必须和一定量的脂肪一起食用才能被身体吸收。)
It introduces how to synthesize acrylic acid, acrylate and phenylethene quadripolymer into alcohol-soluble acrylic resin.(它介绍了丙烯酸、丙烯酸脂、苯乙烯四元共聚合成醇溶性聚丙烯酸脂类的方法。)
They are high in fiber, half of which is cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber.(它富含高纤维,其中一半是可以降低胆固醇的可溶性纤维。)
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