英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:55:07



英 [ˌserənˈdɪpəti]

美 [ˌsɛrənˈdɪpɪti]


形容词: serendipitous 副词: serendipitously

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  • 意外发现珍奇事物的本领,善于发掘新奇事物的天赋
  • 易遇奇缘的运气
  • 意外收获,意外发现的东西


1. good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries

1. (意外发现或发明新奇或有价值事物的)运气,走运,机缘凑巧
Serendipity is the luck some people have in finding or creating interesting or valuable things by chance.

e.g. Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.

1. 缘份天注定:演员阵容中最为人关注的当属饰演保姆一角的凯特.贝金塞尔,以<> (Pearl Harbor)、 <> (Serendipity)而一举成名的凯特.贝金赛尔,因其超凡脱俗的美貌而在好莱坞享有英伦玫瑰的美称.

2. serendipity的反义词

2. 缘分天注定:<>(Serendipity)是最让我着迷的一个. 故事讲的是一对偶然相遇的男女,互生情愫不忍分离时,将是否能再次相见交给机缘,在钱上和旧书上写下对方的联系方式. 尽管世事变迁,甚至不断有人走进他们的生活,但他们仍惦记着对方,

3. serendipity的意思

3. 意外发现:☆ 作品:意外发现(SerendiPITy) 作者:光之伊始 这是一个关于爱情的故事,他们似乎是故事的主角,似乎又不是,他们也许只是联系着故事的主线,他们不是主角,但缺了他们的故事也成不了故事.


4. 美國情緣:对,凯特贝琴萨是正妹,丁大丙是从美国情缘(Serendipity)开始爱上她的,超迷人的? :)

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Serendipity is nice when it happens, but you may not wish to risk your precious thinking time hoping for random inspiration.(意想不到的事情降临的话当然不错,但你可能不希望宝贵的思考时间用于天马行空上。)
The two biggest blocks to serendipity seem to be ego-fear and "other plans".(“意外之得”最大的两个阻碍似乎是“自己吓自己”和“其他计划”。)
Recommendation engines are the enemy of serendipity and Great Books and the avant-garde.(推荐引擎绝对与那些奇遇发现、伟大著作和前卫派们势不两立。)
Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.(我花园里最珍贵的几件物品是机缘巧合之下意外所得。)
It may be that, with regard to communication, there's a trade-off between efficiency and serendipity.(可能对于通讯而言,效率和新颖不可兼得。)
This is the kind of serendipity you want!(这正是那种你心心期盼的命中注定!)
Canyoneering is all about the serendipity of discovery, he says.(他说:“峡谷探险的乐趣就在于意外的发现。”)
The word "serendipity" was coined by Horace Walpole in an 1854 letter, from a tale of three princes who "were always making discoveries, by accident, of things they were not in search of".(“Serendipity”这个词是由霍勒斯·沃波尔在1854年的一封信中创造出来的,源于一个关于三个王子的故事,这三个王子“总是意外地发现那些他们并没有在寻找的东西。”)
Then serendipity stepped in.One morning Dr Liggins discovered that a lamb he had infused with cortisol had been born overnight.(机缘巧合之下,一天早上,利兢丝医生发现一只注射了皮质醇的羊羔在晚上生产了。)
Serendipity and luck are by their very nature unpredictable, and therefore not part of any good plan.(意外之得和幸运本质上都是不可预测的,因此不属于任何好计划的一部分。)
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