英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:57:35



英 [ˈsetlmənt]

美 [ˈsɛtlmənt]



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  • 解决
  • 殖民(地)
  • 定居
  • 新拓居地
  • 清算
  • 租界
  • 沉陷
  • 安顿
  • 安身
  • 【律】财产授与
  • 社会福利团体
  • 决定
  • 沉淀
  • 协议
  • 镇定
  • [C] [U] 解决,和解,协议 act of deciding or arranging sth;agreement
  • [C] 移居地,新住宅区 the place where they have settled
  • [C] 金钱或财产的转让(契约);转让的金钱或财产 (document stating the) terms on which money or property is given to sb;money or property given in this way
  • [C] [U] 结算,清偿 payment



1. termination of a business operation by using its assets to discharge its liabilities

Synonym: liquidation

2. the act of colonizing
the establishment of colonies

e.g. the British colonization of America

Synonym: colonizationcolonisation

3. something settled or resolved
the outcome of decision making

e.g. they finally reached a settlement with the union
they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences
he needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure

Synonym: resolutionclosure

4. a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it

5. a community of people smaller than a town

Synonym: villagesmall town

6. a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland
inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state's system of government

e.g. the American colony in Paris

Synonym: colony

7. an area where a group of families live together

1. (争议双方的)正式协议,和解
A settlement is an official agreement between two sides who were involved in a conflict or argument.

e.g. Our objective must be to secure a peace settlement...
e.g. They are not optimistic about a settlement of the eleven year conflict.
他们不是很有信心能和平解决这场长达 11 年的纷争。

2. (通过赔偿等达成的)庭外和解
A settlement is an agreement to end a disagreement or dispute without going to a court of law, for example by offering someone money.

e.g. She accepted an out-of-court settlement of £4,000.
她同意支付 4,000 英镑的庭外和解赔偿金。
e.g. ...a libel settlement.

3. (欠款的)偿付,支付,结算,清偿
The settlement of a debt is the act of paying back money that you owe.

e.g. ...ways to delay the settlement of debts.

4. 定居点;聚居地
A settlement is a place where people have come to live and have built homes.

e.g. The village is a settlement of just fifty houses.
这个村子里只住了 50户人。
e.g. ...a Muslim settlement.

5. 移民;殖民;开拓
The settlement of a group of people is the process in which they settle in a place where people from their country have never lived before.

e.g. ...the settlement of immigrants in the occupied territories.

1. 沉降:建筑物或堤坝(土工建筑物)荷载通过基础、填方路基(路堤)或填方坝基(水坝)传递给地基,使天然土层原有的应力状态发生变化,即在基底压力的作用下,地基中产生了附加应力和竖向、侧向(或剪切)变形(deformation),导致建筑物或堤坝及其周边环境的沉降(settlement)和位移(displ


2. 交割:一般都必须经过下列数个阶段:(1)成交确认(confirmation)阶段,也就是由市场参加人确定交易的条件;(2)结算(clearance)阶段,也就是计算交易相对人经成交确认后所应负的权利义务;(3)交割(settlement)阶段,也就是卖方将

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • All hopes of a peaceful settlement were destroyed by his speech.
  • He took up his settlement in a new house.
  • The old man made a settlement on his youngest daughter when she married.
  • The money in the bag was in settlement of your account.
  • The bridges would not be affected by any settlement of the approach embankments.

    出自:L. T. C. Rolt
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

An amicable settlement was reached.(已达成和解。)
Her lawyers have been ruthless in thrashing out a divorce settlement.(她的律师们在协商离婚协议上毫不留情。)
Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement.(法律专家说她的案子不会开创先例,因为是庭外和解。)
The village is a settlement of just fifty houses.(这个村子是个仅有50家住户的定居地。)
They failed to agree on the terms of a settlement.(他们未能就和解的条件达成协议。)
They hope to be able to patch together a temporary settlement.(他们希望能草草搭成一个临时安置区。)
He had a simple, conventional deal and paid 20 percent down at settlement.(他做了一笔简单而常规的交易,在结算时预付了20%的定金。)
They were coerced into negotiating a settlement.(他们被迫通过谈判解决。)
Community leaders have renewed calls for a peaceful settlement.(社区领导人再次呼吁要和平解决。)
In court filings, they argued that the settlement was inadequate.(他们在法院的立案中提出赔偿金数额不够。)
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