英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-20 00:19:05



英 [ræ'prɒʃmɒ̃]

美 [ˌrɑprɔʃˈmənt]


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  • 和解,恢复邦交,友善关系的建立
  • 友好,和睦,亲善
  • 友好关系恢复
  • 解冻


1. the reestablishing of cordial relations

Synonym: reconciliation

1. (国家、集体或个人的)重归于好,和解
A rapprochement is an increase in friendliness between two countries, groups, or people, especially after a period of unfriendliness.


e.g. There have been growing signs of a rapprochement with Vietnam.
e.g. ...the process of political rapprochement between the two former foes.

1. 和解:semblance:外表 | rapprochement:和解 | reproach:责备

2. 和睦:rapport stage 融洽阶段 | rapprochement 和睦 | rapture 着迷

3. 友好睦邻关系:rapport亲善的关系 | rapprochement友好睦邻关系 | reciprocity互惠

4. 和解;和睦;(恢复或建立)友好关系;恢复邦交:99、double-deck 双层 | 100、rapprochement和解;和睦;(恢复或建立)友好关系;恢复邦交 | 101、Make-or-break 不成则败的,获得极大成功或者完全失败的

  • 经典引文

  • There can be no unity in Europe without the rapprochement of France and Germany.

    出自:A. F. Douglas
  • Christine and Lizzie were...very shy creatures, so that a rapprochement between them would have been difficult.

    出自:G. Battiscombe
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

There're signs of rapprochement between George and his son.(乔治和他儿子间有恢复关系的迹象。)
But that deal, along with a climate change agreement and a rapprochement with Cuba, was a rare success.(但是,这项协议,以及气候变化协议,乃至同古巴的和解,都是罕见的成功。)
The first ACTS were finally hammered out by the western countries led by France to explore the possibilities of rapprochement with China.(以法国为首的西方诸国终于拟就了第一批方案,目的在于探索与中方修好的种种可能性。)
The next step of rapprochement came a generation later.(一代人之后,两国关系的修复更进一步。)
Now even Radek Sikorski, Poland’s foreign minister, advocates a rapprochement with Russia.(甚至波兰外长拉多斯瓦夫•西科尔斯基现在也呼吁同俄罗斯改善关系。)
There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions.(目前,敌对双方和解的可能性似乎很渺茫。)
A large part of this effort was an attempt at a rapprochement with China.(努力中的很大一部分是试图重新接近中国。)
Rapprochement with Syria has also allowed Turkey to play a bigger regional role.(与叙利亚友好关系的重建也允许土耳其发挥了更大的区域作用。)
While Nixon was privately exploring the possibilities of rapprochement with Chinese, he was publicly playing cool.(尼克松的私下探索同中国人和解的可能性,在公开场合却不动声色。)
This was one of the core themes of the 2010, International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.(这是2010国际文化和睦年的核心主题。)
rapprochement是什么意思 rapprochement在线翻译 rapprochement什么意思 rapprochement的意思 rapprochement的翻译 rapprochement的解释 rapprochement的发音 rapprochement的同义词