And a skeptic might come up with significant threats to the five giants.(持怀疑态度的人可能会认为五巨头面临着重大威胁。)
Why is it, Bering wondered, that even a determined skeptic could not stop himself from perceiving the supernatural?(白令想知道,为什么一个坚定的无神论者,居然无法阻止自己感知超自然的东西?)
Charles Golvin, a wireless analyst at Forrester Research, is a skeptic.(弗雷特斯研究公司的无线产品分析师查尔斯.戈尔万,是个怀疑论者。)
There's no room in this culture for a skeptic.(中国这个文化里没有怀疑论者的立足之地。)
Thomas, the skeptic, was a believer.(托马斯,这个怀疑论者,成为了信徒。)
Originally, I was a skeptic on much of the higher-level stuff.(最初,我对许多较高层的内容都心存疑虑。)
You're a skeptic.(你是个怀疑论者。)
Even if you are a skeptic of my field, as many are, there is another, more cynical reason to study it.(纵使你跟许多人一样,一直不太信任我所从事的这个行当,那么还有另外一个,或许更为悲观的研习经济学的理由。)
Graham started off as a real skeptic but quickly turned around.(格雷汉姆一开始也是一个怀疑者但很快就转变了看法。)
A skeptic might conclude that practitioners are afraid to lay their beliefs on the line.(持怀疑态度的人可能会得出结论说,从业人员害怕坦白自己的信念。)
skeptic是什么意思 skeptic在线翻译 skeptic什么意思 skeptic的意思 skeptic的翻译 skeptic的解释 skeptic的发音 skeptic的同义词