英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈveərid]

美 [ˈverid]


副词: variedly

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  • 各种各样的,形形色色的,各式各样的
  • 杂色的,多彩的,有斑驳的
  • 多变的,(有)变化的,改变了的
  • 不同的,各不相同的
  • 动词vary的过去式和过去分词


1. broken away from sameness or identity or duplication

e.g. her quickly varied answers indicated uncertainty

2. widely different

e.g. varied motives prompt people to join a political party
varied ethnic traditions of the immigrants

Synonym: wide-ranging

3. characterized by variety

e.g. immigrants' varied ethnic and religious traditions
his work is interesting and varied

1. 多种多样的;形形色色的
Something that is varied consists of things of different types, sizes, or qualities.

e.g. It is essential that your diet is varied and balanced...
e.g. Before his election to the presidency, Mitterrand had enjoyed a long and varied career.

1. varied是什么意思

1. 多样化:雅思英语写作最后一部分的评分标准是语法,总标准是在句子(sentence)和结构(structure)的选择上是否多样化(varied)?语法(grammar)是否准确(accurate)?有4个子项:1. 是否利用简单(simple sentence)和复杂句(complex sentence)?

2. varied的近义词

2. 杂色的, 各式各样的:sensitivity amplifier 灵敏度放大器 | varied 杂色的, 各式各样的 | terrazzo 磨石子地

3. varied的近义词

3. 不同的:variation 变化 | varied 不同的 | variety 变化

4. 各种各样的:variator 变速器聚束栅 | varied 各种各样的 | variegated lamp 彩灯

  • 经典引文

  • Sweet varied notes, enchanting every ear!

    出自:Titus Andronicus,Shakespeare
  • Varied methods..of borrowing money.

    出自:P. G. Wodehouse
People's reaction to the film has varied greatly.(人们对这部影片的反应大不一样。)
He led a full and varied life.(他过着丰富多彩的生活。)
A unity of objectives that nonetheless respect the varied peculiarities of each country.(目标是一致的,但是尊重各个国家各不相同的特性。)
The results varied a lot from one study to another, and no clear patterns emerged.(不同的研究结果差别很大,没有出现明确的模式。)
The trip was nothing if not varied.(这次旅行极其丰富多彩。)
Methods of applying color varied: some colors were brushed or smeared on rock surfaces and others were blown or sprayed.(上色的方法多种多样:有的是刷或涂抹在岩石表面,另一些是吹或喷上去的。)
Day and night were divided into the same number of parts, so that except at the equinoxes, days and night hours were unequal; and then of course the length of these hours varied with the seasons.(白天和黑夜被分为均等数量的部分,所以除去昼夜平分点,白天和黑夜时间是不等的;当然,这些时长也因季节变化而变化。)
His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank.(他的表情在不露声色与茫然之间变幻不定。)
Tropical rainforests have the most varied assemblage of plants in the world.(热带雨林集聚了世界上种类最繁多的植物。)
For example, the economic and demographic character of early New England towns varied considerably.(例如,早期新英格兰城镇的经济和人口特征差别很大。)
varied是什么意思 varied在线翻译 varied什么意思 varied的意思 varied的翻译 varied的解释 varied的发音 varied的同义词