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英 ['skaɪˌskreɪpəz]

美 ['skaɪˌskreɪpəz]

摩天大楼( skyscraper的名词复数 );层楼高耸;广厦高楼;


  • 网络解释

1. 摩天楼:紧跟而来的是1921年创作的采用爵士乐汇成的<>(Krary-Kat)和1924年完成的产生真正噪音的<>(Skyscrapers),该剧在1926年首演于纽约大都会歌剧院.

2. 摩天大厦:The Space Needle.|太空针塔 | Skyscrapers.|摩天大厦 | Mount Rainier.|雷尼尔山

3. 摩天大厦式广告:skip反射 | skyscrapers摩天大厦式广告 | sky waves天空电波

Both of them disliked skyscrapers.(两个人都不喜欢摩天大楼。)
It describes skyscrapers that are much taller than today's buildings, underwater "bubble" cities and holidays in space.(它描述的是比现在高得多的摩天大楼、水下“泡沫”城市和太空度假。)
The best lawyers made skyscrapers full of money, tempting ever more students to pile into law schools.(最好的律师们建起充满金钱的摩天大楼,吸引越来越多的学生涌入法学院。)
To create a factory-built skyscraper, Broad had to abandon the principles by which skyscrapers are typically designed.(为了在工厂之上建造摩天大楼,远大集团不得不放弃摩天大楼通常的设计原则。)
Starting small with structures like the 22-story Flatiron Building, skyscrapers grew taller and taller in the twenties.(一开始先从规模小一点的建筑盖起,像是22层楼的熨斗大厦,摩天大楼在20年代越盖越高。)
Stacked integrated circuits are today's tech skyscrapers.(层叠式集成电路正是今天科技的摩天大楼。)
You do not build skyscrapers. You do not build bridges.(你并不盖摩天大楼,你也不建造桥梁。)
The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with New York's skyscrapers.(伦敦最高的建筑物与纽约的摩天大厦一比就相形见绌。)
Without the elevator, they point out, there could be no downtown skyscrapers or tall buildings in cities.(他们指出,如果没有电梯,城市里就没有市中心的摩天大楼或高楼大厦。)
On the other hand, air turbulence increases because of the effect of skyscrapers on airflow.(另一方面,摩天大楼对气流的影响导致了空气湍流增加。)
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