英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [slʌm]

美 [slʌm]



形容词: slummy 名词: slummer 过去式: slummed 过去分词: slummed 现在分词: slumming 第三人称单数: slums

Tabitha, a 44-year-old woman from a slum outside Nairobi.(一位44岁来自内罗毕外贫民窟的妇女tabitha。)
He lived in a slum in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, and was nursed by his mother.(他住在肯尼亚首都内罗毕的贫民窟里,并由母亲照顾。)
Clinton accused Obama of having worked for a Chicago slum lord.(希拉里.克林顿则指责奥巴马一度为芝加哥一个贫民窟黑心房东效力。)
The money will be use to educate five thousand slum children over the next five years.(这笔钱将解决五千个贫民窟孩子五年内的教育问题。)
The Korogocho slum is one of the poorest in Nairobi, Kenya's teeming capital.(在肯尼亚富裕的首都内罗毕,科罗戈乔贫民窟是最贫穷的地方之一。)
This bum is an unemployed man in the slum.(这个流浪汉是贫民区的一个失业者。)
The slum must be inside you.(贫民窟一定是在你内心。)
New Delhi, India: A street artist dressed as a monkey, performs in a slum area(新德里,印度:一位街头艺人穿的好像一只猴子,在贫民窟表演)
Slum tourism has its advocates, who say it promotes social awareness.(支持贫民窟旅游的人说,它可以抬高社会认知和觉悟。)
China and India have together lifted 125m people out of slum conditions in recent years.(最近几年来,中国和印度总共有1.25亿人摆脱了贫民区的恶劣条件。)
  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 贫民窟,贫民区,棚屋区
  • 润滑油渣
  • 脏乱的地方
  • 收容所
  • 页岩煤
  • 破旧房屋
  • 陋巷
  • (碰运气的竞技中)不值钱的奖品
  • (摊子上卖的)低劣商品
  • 极度的贫困
  • 去贫民窟,到贫民区去(参观,游玩等)
  • 在贫民区发展保险业务
  • 视察贫民窟,访问贫民区
  • 将就着过简朴生活,过穷日子
  • 去贫穷地方
  • [C] 贫民窟,贫民区 a city area of poor living conditions and dirty unrepaired buildings



1. a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions

Synonym: slum area


1. spend time at a lower socio-economic level than one's own, motivated by curiosity or desire for adventure
usage considered condescending and insensitive

e.g. attending a motion picture show by the upper class was considered sluming in the early 20th century

1. 贫民区;贫民窟
A slum is an area of a city where living conditions are very bad and where the houses are in bad condition.


e.g. ...a slum area of St Louis.
e.g. ...inner-city slums in the old cities of the north and east.

2. 逛贫民窟;体验下层社会的生活
If someone is slumming it or is slumming, they are spending time in a place or in conditions that are at a much lower social level than they are used to.

e.g. ...rich kids slumming it.
e.g. ...aristocratic types who enjoyed slumming around in musty old Scottish castles.

1. slum

1. 贫民区:关于行政程序是否适用自然正义原则,在Erringtom v.Minister of Health(1935 IK.b.249)一案中,由于贫民区(slum)清除处分案的主管承认迟误有关事项之公告且异议人未出席公听会,而复审采用了未经听证程序的新证据,

2. slum的翻译

2. 润滑油渣:sluiceway 泄水道 | slum 润滑油渣 | slump 下降;猛然落下;衰落;坍塌;滑移

3. 贫民窟 ,陋巷:slum area 贫民窟区 | slum 贫民窟 ,陋巷 | sluice weir 排淤堰

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • He grew up in a slum.
  • As a social worker, she does a lot of work in slums.
用作名词 (n.)
  • Men come from the slums of Dublin to the middle classes.

    出自:D. Hogan
  • An ugly, distended slum building.

  • For you it's fun to go slumming with me. But your real life's back there.

    出自:M. Gee
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

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