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更新时间:2025-03-10 20:18:18



英 [ˈsmɔ:lpɒks]

美 [ˈsmɔ:lpɑ:ks]


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1. a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars

Synonym: variolavariola major

1. 天花
Smallpox is a serious infectious disease that causes spots which leave deep marks on the skin.

1. 天花:天花病毒 天花(Smallpox)是由天花病毒引起的一种烈性传染病,也是到目前为止,在世界范围被人类消灭的第一个传染病. 据报载,去年12月21日,美国总统布什为了预防生物武器的袭击,带头接种了天花疫苗. 因为天花病毒和炭疽杆菌一样,

2. 花:但就在最近时期,天花(smallpox)成为美国媒体中的一个话题. 在准备对伊动武的同时,9月24日美国政府颁布了一项应急计划,要求各级政府部门准备好,在美国遇到恐怖主义的生物武器攻击时,能够保证在5天完成对全美人口预防天花的免疫接种.

3. smallpox是什么意思

3. [医]天花:number of twists 扭曲次数 | smallpox [医]天花 | bivium [动]二道体区

4. 天花病:79 The Automation in Library图书馆的自动化 | 80 Smallpox天花病 | 82 Travel Medicine旅行医疗

Smallpox scars had pitted his face.(他满脸是麻子。)
To date, public health has eradicated only one disease - smallpox.(至今为止,在公共卫生方面只根除了一种疾病——天花。)
Reaffirmed that the remaining stock of smallpox virus should be destroyed.(重申应当销毁剩余的天花病毒储存。)
This next excerpt details the last case of smallpox, which was discovered in Somalia.(摘录下一个详细资料是在索马里发现的最后一个天花病例。)
The scientific community remains divided over whether the smallpox samples should be destroyed.(科学委员会内部也对是否摧毁天花病毒样本存在分歧。)
The differential diagnoses include usually smallpox, chickenpox, measles, bacterial skin infections, scabies, medicamentous allergies and syphilis.(鉴别诊断通常包括天花、水痘、麻疹、细菌性皮肤感染、疥疮、药物过敏和梅毒。)
Experts debate destroying last smallpox viruses.(专家们正热议是否摧毁世上仅存的天花病毒。)
In particular, dairy maids, whose responsibility was to milk cows, and so they had a very intimate relationship with cattle, often didn't get smallpox.(特别是挤奶女工,她们的职责就是挤奶,因此她们与牛有着非常亲密的关系,通常不会得天花。)
Smallpox is one of the most lethal diseases in history.(天花是史上最致命的疾病之一。)
People in many countries worshiped special deities intended to protect them from smallpox.(在许多国家,人民祈拜特别神灵以求上天保佑。)
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