英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:20:38



英 [snaɪp]

美 [snaɪp]



过去式: sniped 过去分词: sniped 现在分词: sniping 第三人称单数: snipes

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  • 狙击
  • 烟屁股
  • 【鸟】鹬
  • 【鸟】沙锥(喙长直生活在潮湿地区)
  • 冷枪
  • 烟蒂
  • 香烟头
  • 雪茄烟头
  • 可鄙的人
  • 狙击手
  • 足以轻蔑的人物
  • 细嘴鸟
  • 香烟屁股
  • 香烟蒂
  • “沙锥鸟”(英国研制的一种无人驾驶飞机)
  • 狙击
  • 诽谤
  • 中伤
  • 猎鹬
  • 打冷枪
  • 冷言冷语地指摘
  • 打沙锥鸟
  • 暗害
  • 伏击
  • 猎鸟
  • 抨击


1. a gunshot from a concealed location

2. Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family
of marshy areas
similar to the woodcocks


1. attack in speech or writing

e.g. The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker

Synonym: attackroundassaillash outassault

2. aim and shoot with great precision

Synonym: sharpshoot

3. hunt or shoot snipe

1. 批评;攻击;中伤
If someone snipes at you, they criticize you.

e.g. The Spanish media were still sniping at the British press yesterday.

This leaves him vulnerable to sniping from within his own party.

2. 狙击;放冷枪
To snipe at someone means to shoot at them from a hidden position.


e.g. Gunmen have repeatedly sniped at US Army positions...
e.g. A member of the security forces was killed in a sniping incident.

3. 鹬;沙锥
A snipe is a type of bird with a very long beak which lives in wet areas of land.


1. 沙锥鸟:1773年前后,驻扎在印度斯坦的英国士兵喜欢一种猎杀一种名为沙锥鸟(Snipe)的游戏. 由于这种敏捷的小鸟异常难于击中,所以,长于此道的人便被称为sniper. 此后,Sniper成为专业狙击手的正式叫法. 关于狙击手的起源还有多种,但狙击手的内涵却一直没有改变-


2. 沙锥:John)说,有一只猫常捕捉猎鸟(game-bird)回家,另一只猫捕捉山兔或兔,还有一只猫在沼泽地上行猎,几乎每夜都要捕捉一些山鹬(woodcock)或沙锥(snipe). 有许多奇异而真实的例子可以用来说明与某种心理状态或某一时期有关的各种不同痹性和嗜好以及怪癖,

3. 狙击:Smoothbore 滑膛 | Snipe 狙击 | Sounding rocket 探空火箭

  • 经典引文

  • The patrol moving out..was heavily sniped and had to return.

    出自:C. C. Trench
However, when you're all clumped up, snipe happens.(然而,当你所有成群行动,狙击发生。)
Demolish enemy buildings, use weaponry aboard a helicopter, and snipe enemy targets in this intense military campaign!(拆除敌人的建筑,使用一架直升机武器,狙击敌人的目标,这激烈的军事行动!)
The snipe shook its head violently to cast off the clam, but it failed no matter how hard it tried.(鹬想把蚌甩掉,就拼命的用力甩头,可是蚌夹的非常紧,鹬怎么也甩不掉。)
I found the snipe!(我发现沙锥鸟了!)
Gunmen continued to snipe at people leaving their homes to find food.(枪手不断伏击外出找寻食物的人。)
A flock of birds, especially snipe.(他有一群羊和一群牛。)
There was not much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe.(“斯奈普”战斗机的驾驶舱内没有太多的活动空间。)
With its new abilities to Snipe and find units with energy, it has become a very scary unit on the battle field.(伴随着新的狙击技能和可以探测能量单位的技能,她成了战场上令人紧张的东西。)
Swim across a river to sneak past soldiers, snipe them from a distance or steal a turreted jeep and start firing.(你可以游过河偷袭士兵,也可以远距离狙击他们,或者偷一辆塔式吉普车,然后开火。)
A snipe saw the clam and wanted to enjoy it.(一只鹬鸟看见河蚌,就想美餐一顿。)
snipe是什么意思 snipe在线翻译 snipe什么意思 snipe的意思 snipe的翻译 snipe的解释 snipe的发音 snipe的同义词