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更新时间:2024-04-30 20:43:18


英 [ˈsfɪŋktə(r)]

美 [ˈsfɪŋktɚ]


形容词: sphincteral

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1. a ring of muscle that contracts to close an opening

Synonym: anatomical sphinctersphincter muscle

1. 括约肌
A sphincter is a ring of muscle that surrounds an opening to the body and that can tighten to close this opening.

e.g. ...the anal sphincter.


1. 松紧口装置:spherulitictexture 球粒结构 | sphincter 松紧口装置 | sphincteralachalasia 括约肌弛缓不能

2. 括约肌[医]:胃食管反流[医]gastroesophageal reflux | 括约肌[医]sphincter | 胃食管撕裂-出血综合征[医]Gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome

3. sphincter的翻译

3. (括約筋):spermophlebectasia (精索静脈瘤) | sphincter (括約筋) | sphincteritis (括約筋炎)

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The aim of preoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer is to improve the local control rate, increase the possibility for sphincter preservation, and improve the survival and the quality of life.(术前放疗在直肠癌综合治疗中的目标是提高局部控制率,增加保肛的几率,提高生存率及生活质量。)
H. Another minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of stress incontinence caused by intrinsic sphincter deficiency is periurethral injection.(治疗由于解剖引起的压力性尿失禁其他的微创方法如选择性的血管治疗。)
Relaxation pressure of sphincter during defecation was higher in constipation group of IBS than that in normal subjects (P<0.05).(排便时IBS便秘组患者的肛管松弛压高于正常对照组(P<0.05)。)
The JOA lower limb motor function standard and sphincter function standard were used to evaluate the ability of lower limb motion and sphincter function respectively.(用改良JOA下肢运动功能评分标准评价所有病例下肢的运动功能。)
Objective To study the usual complications and preventive measures after applying double stapling device in the sphincter preserving surgery.(目的探讨双吻合器在低位直肠癌前切除术中常见并发症及预防措施。)
For nitric oxide could loosen the pyloric sphincter and increase the bile acid to the stomach.(幽门区一氧化氮含量变化与胃内胆汁酸的反流量相关。)
Methods The clinical data of 190 rectal cancer patients, undergone sphincter preserving procedures from Jan. 2004 to Jan. 2006, were analyzed retrospectively.(方法回顾性分析2004年1月至2006年1月间收治的190例直肠癌保肛手术患者的临床资料。)
Dolphins lack vocal cords, nevertheless creating sounds: a complicated system of whistles, squeaks, moans, trills, and clicks are produced by sphincter muscles inside the blowhole.(海豚没有声带,但却能发声:一个由口哨声、吱吱声、呻吟声、颤音和咔嚓声组成的复杂系统是由喷水孔内的括约肌产生的。)
Objective in order to explore a new sphincter-saving operation on distal rectal cancer and its effect.(目的探讨直肠下段癌保肛治疗的新术式和效果。)
As he gets nearer to the pulsing sphincter of a mouth, he starts to hack at the gas bag overhead.(但他还是离水母蠕动的嘴唇越来越近,他开始砍向头上的气囊。)
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