英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:16:45



英 [ˈskwɒlɪd]

美 [ˈskwɑ:lɪd]


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副词: squalidly 名词: squalidness

  • 详情解释

  • 词典解释

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  • 卑鄙的,卑劣的
  • 悲惨的
  • 脏的,肮脏的
  • 恶劣的
  • 可怜的
  • 邋遢的
  • 污秽的
  • 贫困的,寒酸的
  • 微不足道的
  • 不洁的
  • 不幸的

1. 肮脏的;邋遢的;条件差的
A squalid place is dirty, untidy, and in bad condition.

e.g. He followed her up a rickety staircase to a squalid bedsit...
e.g. The migrants have been living in squalid conditions.

2. (行为)卑鄙的,丑恶的
Squalid activities are unpleasant and often dishonest.

e.g. The Tory Party called the bill 'the most squalid measure ever put before the Commons'.
e.g. ...the squalid pursuit of profit.

1. squalid的翻译

1. 污秽的:splint夹板 | squalid污秽的 | pristine纯洁的

2. 不洁的:squalene鲨烯 鲨烯 | squalid不洁的 | squall飑

3. squalid

3. 污秽的;不洁的;无人照顾的下流的;卑鄙的:differential 有差别的,有区别的 | squalid 污秽的;不洁的;无人照顾的下流的;卑鄙的 | squall : 短暂、突然且猛烈的风暴

4. 肮脏的:squail 游戏 | squalid 肮脏的 | squalidity 污秽

  • 经典引文

  • A general air of squalid neglect pervaded the place.

    出自:J. Conrad
  • A narrow squalid street where people..threw their filth into the gutters.

    出自:D. Welch
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Furthermore, the squalid, cramped quarters that encourage diseases to propagate among many animal populations are actually the residental choice for insects.(此外,肮脏、拥挤的住所促进疾病在许多动物种群中扩散,这实际上是昆虫对居住地方的选择。)
The early industrial cities were squalid and unhealthy places.(早期的工业城市曾是些又脏又乱、不利健康的地方。)
In a sordid or squalid way.(以肮脏或者污秽的方式。)
I married him because any other relationship seemed... cheap and squalid.(我和他结婚是因为其它的关系在我看来,是那么廉价和肮脏。)
And by nihilism, I mean the view that every preference, however squalid, base or sordid, must be regarded as the legitimate equal of every other.(我所谓的虚无主义,意指所有偏好,无论如何卑鄙,拙劣,或下贱都必需被视为,与所有其它同等合法。)
You can not live in this squalid condition.(你不能在这样肮脏的环境下居住。)
Dating sites have for the most part always had either a squalid or a chain-store ambience.(相亲网站多半有要么丑恶要么像连锁商店一样的格调。)
In these squalid surroundings she becomes slovenly herself.(在这肮脏的环境中,她本人也变得十分邋遢懒散了。)
Some workers at the mine live in bleak company housing. Others rent squalid rooms in the town.(一些矿区的工人就住在毫无遮蔽的公司宿舍里,还有些人在镇上租破房子住。)
Here were crumbling tenement, squalid courtyards and stinking alleys.(随处可见破烂的住房、肮脏的庭院和臭气熏天的小胡同。)
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