英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:43:33


英 [stenˈtɔ:riən]

美 [stɛnˈtɔriən, -ˈtor-]


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1. used of the voice

Synonym: booming

1. (声音)洪亮的
A stentorian voice is very loud and strong.


e.g. He bellowed in a stentorian voice.

1. 声音洪亮的:stentor 声音洪亮的人 | stentorian 声音洪亮的 | stentorin 喇叭虫蓝色素

2. (指声音)极响亮的:stalwart 稳健的,坚定的 | stentorian (指声音)极响亮的 | straightforward 正直的;易懂的;直截了当的

3. 洪亮的:Irenic和平的 | Stentorian洪亮的 | Micawberish无远虑只想走运的


4. 声音大的 (形):stentor 喇叭虫; 吼猿; 声音洪亮的人 (名) | stentorian 声音大的 (形) | step aside 避开; 退让

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He bellowed in a stentorian voice.(他用洪亮的声音大吼。)
No matter where it comes from this voice of moderation sounds shrill and plaintive compared with the stentorian message of hardliners and the domestic security empire they rule.(不管是谁发出的,与强硬派及其麾下庞大社会治安机构高亢响亮的声音比起来,这番温和的呼声显得尖锐而悲哀。)
The stentorian tones of auctioneer, calling out to clear, now announced that the sale to commence.(拍卖人用洪亮的声音招呼大家闪开一点,然后宣布拍卖即将开始。)
The stentorian and dignified recitation conveys the profoundness and extensiveness of Confucian Culture, making everyone feels at home.(洪厚、凝重的吟诵,向人们传递出儒家文化深厚底蕴,让人们有一种宾至如归的美好感觉。)
Her deft reading of Hughes's magnificent words blends stentorian tradition with urgent modernity in ways that electrify and disarm.(她灵巧的阅读休斯壮丽的话融合的方式与电气化和解除武装的紧迫现代响亮的传统。)
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