英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['bu:mɪŋ]

美 ['bu:mɪŋ]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 大受欢迎的
  • 景气好的,繁荣的,发达的,兴旺的
  • 隆隆作响的,发轰隆声的,轰隆作响的
  • 急速发展的
  • 突然兴旺的
  • 暴涨的,激增的
  • 沉重地响
  • 编排
  • 声震



1. used of the voice

Synonym: stentorian

2. very lively and profitable

e.g. flourishing businesses
a palmy time for stockbrokers
a prosperous new business
doing a roaring trade
a thriving tourist center
did a thriving business in orchids

Synonym: flourishingpalmyprosperingprosperousroaringthriving


1. 繁荣发展的:5.infrastructure 基础设施 | 6.booming 繁荣发展的 | 7.tertiary industry 第三产业

2. 发展的:boomerang 回飞棒 | booming 发展的 | boomlet 小景气

3. 景气:boominess 箱谐振 | booming 景气 | boost compressor 增压器

Booming softly through heaven, like a bassoon.(像低音管一样,悄悄地在天上发出隆隆声。)
Yet Bangladesh's garment exports are booming.(但是孟加拉国的服装行业正在蒸蒸日上。)
The rise of online second hand book platforms and sharing ideas also contributed to the booming book recycling.(网上二手书平台的兴起和想法分享也促进了图书回收的蓬勃发展。)
Yet developing Asia, led by China itself, is booming.(由中国领队,亚洲经济正在蓬勃发展。)
The Confederation of British Industry, the key employers' organization, wants even more expansion in higher education to help fight competition on world markets from booming Asian economies.(主要雇主组织——英国工业联合会希望进一步扩大高等教育,以帮助应对亚洲经济体在世界市场上的竞争。)
In the early to mid-90s, a booming economy and improved desktop printers helped boost paper sales by 6 to 7 percent each year.(在90年代初期至中期,蓬勃发展的经济和改进的台式打印机使纸张销售每年增长6%至7%。)
"Hot chocolate outlets are booming," wrote Roger Boyes in the UK Times last Thursday.(“热巧克力店营业额激增。”罗杰·布瓦耶在英国泰晤士报中写道。)
“Germany is booming, ” says Mr Frenzel.(“德国市场正蓬勃发展”Frenzel先生说。)
Access to employment was easy in booming Ireland.(获得就业过去在爱尔兰是很容易的。)
Some Japanese firms are booming.(有些日本公司却欣欣向荣。)
booming是什么意思 booming在线翻译 booming什么意思 booming的意思 booming的翻译 booming的解释 booming的发音 booming的同义词