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英 [ˈstʌbi]

美 [ˈstʌbi]



副词: stubbily 比较级: stubbier 最高级: stubbiest 名词: stubbiness

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 矮胖的
  • 短而粗硬的
  • 粗短的
  • 又短又秃的
  • 矮壮的
  • 多树桩的
  • 树桩似的
  • 矮墩墩的
  • 胡子拉茬的
  • 断株一般的
  • 多残株的,布满茬儿的
  • 短而密的



1. short and blunt

e.g. stubby fingers
a stubby pencil

1. 短而粗的;矮壮的
An object that is stubby is shorter and thicker than usual.

e.g. He pointed a stubby finger at a wooden chair opposite him.

1. 小瓶啤酒:Spud: 土豆 | Spunk:非常有魅力的人 | Stubby: 小瓶啤酒

2. 断株样的:stubbornness 倔强 | stubby 断株样的 | stucco 灰泥

3. 短而粗的:Gnarled 多节的 | Stubby 短而粗的 | Give sb. a big hand 鼓掌

4. 粗短的:Pointed 尖尖的 | Stubby 粗短的 | Tapering 上粗下细的

  • 经典引文

  • In Evie's stubby hands, the frills seemed fussy and out of place.sssss J. le Carr&eacusc;

    出自:ssssA. Tyler
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It can be either stubby or retractable, but also telescopic whip combination.(它可以是竹节或可伸缩的,而且伸缩鞭子的组合。)
Ardi's upper canine teeth are more similar to stubby human teeth than sharp chimpanzee teeth.(—与黑猩猩锋利的牙齿相比,“阿蒂”的犬齿更像人类的短平的牙齿。)
For bog blokes resembled nothing more than a small and skeletal dead tree, with twisted arms appearing as stubby limbs.(因为这种泥潭怪看起来更像一小颗死去的树木,仅仅是在短粗的躯体上多长了两条奇形怪状的胳膊。)
These species also differ morphologically: grass dwellers are slender with long tails, tree-dwellers are stocky with long legs, twig dwellers are slender but stubby-legged.(这些物种在形态上也有所不同:呆在草上的动物体型纤细,尾巴很长;呆在树上的动物体格健壮,腿长;而呆在树枝的动物体型纤细,但腿短。)
The first modern-style skyscraper rose a stubby ten stories above Chicago's streets.(第一座现代风格的摩天大厦在芝加哥的大街上升起矮墩墩的十层。)
Animals that live in cold climates tend to have stubby limbs-shorter arms and legs-even smaller ears and tails.(生活在寒冷地方的动物其四肢倾向于长得短而粗——就是耳朵和尾巴也要小一些。)
A short stubby hand argues a lack of sensibility.(手指短而粗硬被认为缺少灵活性。)
All files that are created are attached to fields on the generated files TAB of the Stubby document.(创建的所有文件附在Stubby文档的generatedfiles附签的字段中。)
In recent years, internal antennas have almost entirely replaced the traditional retractable and stubby antennas.(近年来,内部天线几乎完全取代了传统的可伸缩及竹节天线。)
A number of designs use two rings of stubby, counter-rotating blades made from composite materials.(有许多设计采用了两圈短而粗的、反向对转的采用复合材料制作的叶片。)
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