英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [snʌf]

美 [snʌf]



过去式: snuffed 过去分词: snuffed 现在分词: snuffing 第三人称单数: snuffs

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1. sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose

Synonym: sniff

2. finely powdered tobacco for sniffing up the nose

3. a pinch of smokeless tobacco inhaled at a single time

4. the charred portion of a candlewick


1. inhale audibly through the nose

e.g. snuff coke

2. sniff or smell inquiringly

Synonym: snuffle


1. snuff colored
of a greyish to yellowish brown

Synonym: snuff-brownmummy-brownchukker-brown

1. 鼻烟
Snuff is powdered tobacco which people take by breathing it in quickly through their nose.

2. 断气;死去
If someone snuffs it, they die.

e.g. He thought he was about to snuff it.

相关词组:snuff out

1. snuff

1. 鼻烟:香烟(Cigarette),雪茄(Cigar),水烟(Hookah),嚼烟(Chewing Tobacco),鼻烟(Snuff)还有我们的优雅骑士??烟斗(Pipe). 那么,烟斗有什么优胜之处,使无数人为之着迷? 男人喜欢用烟斗,1000个人可能有1000条理由,

2. 灯花:灯具:lamps and lanterns | 灯花 snuff | 灯笼裤 bloomers galligaskins knickers pantalettes plus fours

3. 黄褐色,鼻烟色:snowy white 雪白色 | snuff 黄褐色,鼻烟色 | soft color 嫩色

4. snuff

4. 熄灭:snow 雪 | snuff 熄灭 | soak 打湿

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  • 经典引文

1. snuff it : 死;

  • She was going out like the snuff of a candle.

    出自:A. Trollope
  • Yellow specks..rapidly snuffed out.

  • He..without wetting his fingers snuffs the candle.

    出自:T. Pynchon
  • The great war had snuffed out the spirit of adventure.

    出自:R. Berthoud
  • 'The air's..delicious.' She snuffed it like a racehorse.

    出自:V. Woolf
Van Norden has put away his pipe and packed a wad of snuff on the underside of his lower lip.(范诺登已把烟斗收起来了,又在下唇内放了一小块鼻烟。)
Also, in the days following the switchover, the digital signals being broadcast are unlikely to be up to snuff.(同样,数字电视转换后的一段时期,播出的数字信号也未必理想。)
Most snuff-boxes are made of high quality transparent or translucent glass.(大多数的鼻烟壶都是有高质量的透明的或半透明的玻璃制成的。)
Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out.(贪心的继承人等待著老头断气。)
When he was pleased with himself, he permitted himself a pinch of snuff.(得意的时候他只闻一点鼻烟。)
Both snuff and chewing tobacco contain deadly carcinogens.(鼻烟和口嚼烟都含有致癌物质。)
No eating, drinking, smoking, or snuff-taking at the place of work.(不要在工作场所进食、饮水、吸烟或吸鼻烟。)
One of these involved the anatomical snuff box.(其中一个就涉及鼻烟窝。)
Just the idea of having a better camera than other people is enough to snuff out boring thoughts about usability.(单单想到自己有个比别人好的照相机就足以让自己忘却了照相机到底好在哪里。)
By marketing the snuff bottles online, the auction house would seriously reduce the costs associated with the sale.(通过在线销售鼻烟壶,该拍卖行可大大降低交易费用。)
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